Davidson County Clerk - Green Hills Grace's Plaza


4009 Hillsboro Pike
Suite 207
Nashville, TN 37215

(615) 862-6050



The County Clerk has the responsibility to receive fees, set by state law, for various transactions, such as motor vehicle registration and automobile titles and drivers' license renewals. They assist the State Department of Revenue in collecting automobile sales tax.


Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Intake Process:

Call or visit the website for information. Many transactions can be done online.

Program Fees:

Fees vary depending upon the services performed.


Davidson County residents and business owners

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Address Listings


PO Box 196333
Nashville, TN 37219

Physical (Primary)

4009 Hillsboro Pike
Suite 207
Nashville, TN 37215


Phone Numbers

Main Office

(615) 862-6050

Dealer Department

(615) 862-6252


(615) 862-6037

Title and Registration

(615) 862-6251

Legal Status:

City/County (Parish)

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