Crossville Head Start - LBJC


1831 E First Street
Crossville, TN 38555

(931) 484-4114


Cumberland County Head Start


The Crossville Head Start is a free, comprehensive child development program which is family focused and community oriented in Cumberland County. Crossville Head Start provides the following services: nutrition, mental health, health screenings, vision, dental, education, parent involvement, social services, and development for staff, parents and volunteers.


Mon - Fri 7:00 am - 3:00 pm

Intake Process:

Call or walk in for information on how to apply

Program Fees:

No Fee


Children in Cumberland County who meet eligibility requirements

Is Shelter?


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

July 22, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

1831 E First Street
Crossville, TN 38555


Charlotte Potts

Primary Contact

Site Supervisor

Update Contact

Phone Numbers

Crossville Head Start

(931) 484-4114


(931) 484-4149

Legal Status:

Nonprofit (Incorporated)


The Crossville Head Start is a free, comprehensive child development program which is family focused and community oriented. Crossville Head Start provides the following services: nutrition, mental health, health screenings, vision, dental, education, parent involvement, social services, and development for staff, parents and volunteers.


Mon - Fri 7:00 am - 3:00 pm

Required Documents

Applicants need to provide a proof of income and a birth certificate.


Any child who is 3 years of age by August 15th of the enrollment year or under 5 years of age by August 15th of enrollment year may apply.


No fee

Intake Procedure

Walk in or call to schedule an appointment to enroll in the program.

Service Area

Cumberland County

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Tennessee
    • Cumberland County

    Telephone Numbers

    Crossville Head Start
    Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (HD-1800.3000) and related services within the Service Tree.

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