H.O.P.E. Center - Domestic Violence Hotline


P.O. Box 1561
Athens, TN 37371

(423) 745-5289


Provides telephone crisis intervention services for battered women which may include steps to ensure immediate safety; short-term emotional support; assistance with refuge; legal information and advocacy; referrals for medical treatment; ongoing counseling and/or group support; and other related services.

Intake Process:

Call for assistance

Program Fees:



Women and children experiencing domestic violence.

Is Shelter?


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

October 1, 2009

Address Listings


PO BOX 1561
Athens, TN 37371

Physical (Primary)

P.O. Box 1561
Athens, TN 37371


Primary Contact


Phone Numbers


(423) 745-5289

Legal Status:

Nonprofit (Incorporated)

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