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Viewing 1931-1940 of 1,943 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

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Wolverine Computer Repair and Recycling

Organization repairs, refurbishes, and recycles household computers and laptops.

Services: Computer Donation Programs, Computer Repair, Electronic Waste Recycling

Wolverine Computer Repair and Recycling

250 Wolverine Trail

La Vergne, TN 37086

(615) 904-6754

Women Are Safe

Provides a 24 hour confidential hotline, individual counseling, court advocacy, shelter, support groups and referrals for all victims experiencing domestic violence.

Services: Advocacy, Domestic Violence Shelters, Domestic Violence Support Groups, Specialized Information and Referral

PO Box 2

Centerville, TN 37033

(931) 729-9885

Women's Exchange of Memphis - Tea Room/Consignment Shop

Serves as a marketplace for consignors to sell their handwork with a tea room open for lunch.

Services: Thrift Shops, Women's Social Clubs

88 Racine Street

Memphis, TN 38111

(901) 327-5681

Woodland Park Apartments - Subsidized Rental Housing

Independent living facility for older adults with rent based on income.

Services: Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing

202 Hardin Lane

Sevierville, TN 37862

(865) 429-6896

Woodmont Baptist Church - Food Pantry and Diapers

Provides food boxes and diapers to households in need once a month.

Services: Diapers, Food Pantries

2100 Woodmont Boulevard

Nashville, TN 37215

(615) 297-5303

Working Mission

Provides ESL classes, citizenship preparation classes, agricultural projects and job assistance programs for immigrant and refugees in Rutherford County through mentoring programs and partnerships with local agencies, like the American Job Center, Blue Cross Blue Shield and United Health Care Workforce Development.

Services: Citizenship Test Preparation, Community Gardening, English as a Second Language

9202 Cainesville Pike

Lascassas, TN 37085

(615) 605-6340

W.O.W.S. (Women Offering Women Support)

Provides 6 week sessions sponsored by the City of Memphis, delivered in a workshop setting at various community partner agencies, offering a program that is designed to reduce recidivism in families receiving social services and to reduce delinquency by teaching positive parenting skills using the Nurturing Parenting Curriculum.

Services: Ex-Offender Reentry Programs, Financial Literacy Training, Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling, Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, Parenting Skills Classes

555 Beale Street

Memphis, TN 38105

(901) 636-6825

WRAP - Domestic Violence Shelter/Sexual Assault Resources - Jackson, TN

Provides domestic violence shelter, 24 hour crisis hotline (1-800-273-8712) & individual counseling, support groups and court advocacy for sexual assault or domestic violence victims and their children in Benton, Carroll, Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henry, Madison, McNairy, Lake, Lauderdale, Obion, Tipton and Weakley counties.

Services: Domestic Violence Shelters, Sexual Assault Hotlines

512 Roland Avenue

Main Jackson Office

Jackson, TN 38301

(800) 273-8712 - Knoxville

An online resource for subsidized housing in Knoxville, TN.

Services: Low Cost Home Rental Listings

Knoxville, TN 37901

YWCA - Knoxville - Transitional Housing for Women

Transitional shelter for females.

Services: Transitional Housing/Shelter

420 W. Clinch Avenue

Knoxville, TN 37902

(865) 523-6126

Viewing 1931-1940 of 1,943 results (listed by best match)
