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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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American Job Center - Smithville

Provides employment and training services including job counseling, testing and assessment, resume preparation assistance and interview training.

Services: Career Development, Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers, Job Information, Job Search/Placement, Prejob Guidance

722 S Congress Boulevard

Room 119 (UT/Chamber of Commerce)

Smithville, TN 37166

(615) 215-0567

America Works of TN - Memphis Office

Provides assistance with the Ticket to Work job readiness, job placement assistance, and retention services to TN residents who are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Services: Job Finding Assistance, Prejob Guidance

200 Jefferson Avenue

Suite 975

Memphis, TN 38103

(901) 341-9627

Anderson County Health Department - Women, Infants, and Children - WIC

WIC provides free nutrition education, breastfeeding education and support, nutritious foods, and health referrals to qualified women, infants, and children.

Services: WIC

710 North Main St.

Clinton, TN 37716

(865) 425-8801

Arc Mid-South - Employment Services for People with Disabilities

Provides job readiness and basic skills training, work task simulation and community job placement that includes job coaching, if necessary, for adults with disabilities.

Services: Disability Related Center Based Employment, Supported Employment

3485 Poplar Avenue Suite 210

Memphis, TN 38111

(901) 327-2473

AR Dept of Human Services - Crittenden County Child Care Licensing/Assistance/Referrals

Provides child care licensing, vouchers for child care assistance, resources and referrals to child care providers for Arkansas residents.

Services: Child Care Expense Assistance, Child Care Provider Licensing, Child Care Provider Referrals

401 S College Boulevard

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 732-5170

AR Dept of Human Services - Crittenden County - Medicaid Services

Provides Medicaid for adult Arkansans.

Services: Medicaid

401 S College Boulevard

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 732-5170

AR Dept of Human Services - Crittenden County - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance - Food Stamps

Provides SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), the food stamp program, for residents of Crittenden County.

Services: Food Stamps/SNAP

401 S College Boulevard

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 732-5170

Area Relief Ministries - Jackson

Provides the Open ARM day center for the homeless and Room in the Inn shelter program for homeless men in the winter, and Turning Point, a transitional housing program for single men with substance abuse issues.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Homeless Employment Programs, Homeless Shelter, Transitional Housing/Shelter, Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

108 S Church Street

Jackson, TN 38301

(731) 423-9257

Arkansas Dept of Health - Crittenden County Health Unit - Earle, AR

Health department unit provides WIC pickup services, STD and Family Planning Services and Vital Records services (birth and death certificates) for Crittenden County, Arkansas residents.

Services: Birth Certificates, Contraception, Death Certificates, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, WIC

901 North Seventh

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 735-4334

Arkansas Dept of Health - Crittenden County Health Unit - West Memphis, AR

Provides breastfeeding programs, child health services, food facilities inspections, health education/promotion, HIV screening and surveillance, immunizations, maternal education, mother & infant programs, STD screening/information, tuberculosis screening, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, WIC, death certificate processing and prenatal care for residents of Crittenden County.

Services: Birth Control, Birth Control Counseling, Breastfeeding Support Programs, Contraception, Death Certificates, Disease Specific Communicable Disease Control, Food Poisoning Investigation, General Health Education Programs, Immunizations, Mother and Infant Care, Public Clinics, Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation, Restaurant/Food Sanitation, Sexually Transmitted Infection Control, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Tuberculosis Clinics, Tuberculosis Screening, Voter Registration Offices

901 N 7th Street

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 735-4334

Viewing 11-20 of 779 results (listed by best match)
