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Campbell County Health Department - Women, Infant, and Children - WIC

WIC provides free nutrition education, breastfeeding education and support, nutritious foods, and health referrals to low to moderate income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk.

Services: WIC

162 Sharp-Perkings Rd.

Jacksboro, TN 37757

(423) 562-8351

Cannon County Health Department

Tennessee's local health departments provide a variety of health services including vaccines, family planning, STD control, health education, and more.

Services: Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Family Planning, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, WIC

106 Alexander Drive

Woodbury, TN 37190

(615) 563-4243

Care Center Medical Clinic - Pregnancy Resources

Provides free pregnancy testing, pro-life pregnancy counseling, assistance in obtaining insurance, ultrasounds, childbirth classes, material assistance (including maternity clothing and prenatal vitamins, WIC screening, free baby food, baby clothing, diapers and equipment when available), community service and medical referrals, and parenting classes and counseling (including individual or group postnatal counseling, infant development, nutrition, and breastfeeding).

Services: Baby Clothing, Baby Furniture, Breast Pumps, Diapers, Expectant/New Parent Assistance, Formula/Baby Food, Health Insurance Information/Counseling, Maternity Clothing, Parenting Education, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Related Volunteer Opportunities, Pregnancy Testing, Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling, WIC

1277 Main Street - Stateline Road

Southaven, MS 38671

(662) 280-1202

Catholic Charities Diocese of Nashville at C.E. McGruder Family Resource Center

Provides case management, financial assistance (limited amount & zip code requirements), food boxes (limited to once a month), infant and small child items (diapers, baby formula, clothing and supplies), hygiene items, household items and cleaning supplies, MDHA housing registration assistance, SNAP enrollment assistance, and referral/linkage to other agencies and non-profits.

Services: Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Diapers, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Expectant/New Parent Assistance, Food Pantries, Food Stamps/SNAP Applications, Formula/Baby Food, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Personal/Grooming Supplies, Rental Deposit Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Deposit Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance

2013 25th Avenue North

McGruder Family Resource Center - Catholic Charities of Middle TN

Nashville, TN 37208

(615) 242-1554

Catholic Charities of Middle TN - South Nashville Family Resource Center

Provides a broad range of services including very limited amounts of help for electric, gas, water assistance, SNAP Application assistance, emergency food pantry, hygiene pantry, diapers, job seeking skills, financial literacy, and referrals for family and individual counseling.

Services: Diapers, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Family Counseling, Food Pantries, Food Stamps/SNAP Applications, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Individual Counseling, Personal Financial Counseling, Personal/Grooming Supplies, Water Service Payment Assistance

2195 Nolensville Pike, Suite L4

South Nashville Family Resource Center - CCTENN

Nashville, TN 37211

(615) 834-1944

Catholic Charities of West TN - Memphis - SNAP (Food Stamp) Application Help

Provides assistance with applying for SNAP benefits (food stamps) for NEW APPLICANTS in Shelby County.

Services: Benefits and Services Assistance, COVID-19 Control, Disaster Food Stamps, Food Stamps/SNAP

1325 Jefferson Avenue

Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 722-4727

Cawthon Center - Orange Mound Clinic - WIC/Well child Checkups/Immunizations

Provides WIC (Women, Infant and Children Nutrition Program) applications, screenings and certifications for pregnant women and children under age 6 who qualify.

Services: Community Clinics, General Physical Examinations, WIC

1000 Haynes Street

Memphis, TN 38114

(901) 222-9980

Cheatham County Health Department

Tennessee's local health departments provide a variety of health services including Breast & Cervical Cancer Screenings, Breastfeeding Support, CHANT (Community Health Access and Navigation in Tennessee), Family Planning, Health Education, Immunizations, GIFTS (Growing Inside Free of Tobacco and Smoking), Newborn Screenings, Oral Health Promotion, Nutrition Counseling, Pregnancy Testing, STD/HIV Screening & Treatment, TennCare Presumptive Eligibility Program, Tobacco Cessation, Tuberculosis Control, Vital Records (birth and death certificates after 1949), Voter Registration, Well-Child Screenings, & WIC (Women, Infants & Children).

Services: Birth Certificates, Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams, Death Certificates, Family Planning, General Medical Care, Health Education, Immunizations, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, WIC

162 John Mayfield Drive

Suite 200

Ashland City, TN 37015

(615) 792-4318

Clay County Health Department

Tennessee's local health departments provide a variety of health services including vaccines, family planning, STD control, health education, and more.

Services: Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Family Planning, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, WIC

115 Guffey Street

Celina, TN 38551

(931) 243-2651

Coffee County Health Department - Tullahoma

Tennessee's local health departments provide a variety of health services including vaccines, family planning, STD control, health education, and more.

Services: Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Family Planning, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, WIC

615 Wilson Avenue

Tullahoma, TN 37388

(931) 455-9369

Viewing 11-20 of 188 results (listed by best match)
