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Viewing 11-20 of 470 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Baptist Center at Western Heights - Food Pantry - Tue, Thu 9:00 am - Noon

Provides free food for individuals and families on Tue and Thu 9:00 am - 12:00pm.

Services: Food Pantries

1230 W Scott Avenue

Knoxville, TN 37921

(865) 525-9068

Bartlett United Methodist - Food Pantry - Last Thu of month 9:30am - 11:00am

Provides food pantry for residents of zip codes , 38133, 38134 and 38135 on the last Thursday of the month (except for Thanksgiving) from 9:30am - 11:00am.

Services: Food Pantries

5676 Stage Road

Bartlett, TN 38134

(901) 386-4563

Beaver Ridge United Methodist Church - Food Pantry Each Mon 1 pm - 2 pm

Food Pantry provides food to those in need who live in the Karns/Powell/Hardin Valley area.

Services: Food Pantries

7753 Oak Ridge Highway

Knoxville, TN 37931

(865) 690-1060

Bellevue Community Food Bank at Bellevue United Methodist Church

Provides a prepacked grocery bag filled with food and essentials to neighbors residing in Bellevue (37221/37209), West Nashville (37205), Fairview (37062) and Pegram (37143).

Services: Food Pantries

7501 Old Harding Road

Nashville, TN 37221

(615) 212-9199

Benton County Ministerial Alliance

Offers help with prescription costs for those with diabetes, heart problems, or high blood pressure.

Services: Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance

110 Armory Drive

Camden, TN 38320

(731) 584-7744

Berea Free Will Baptist Church - Food Assist (Johnson City)

Food Pantry - Fridays 9 AM-2 PM Need ID, Address and Phone #

Services: Food Pantries

2415 Sinking Creek Rd

Johnson City, TN 37604

(423) 928-3663

Bethel Church of God in Christ - Food Pantry & Clothes Closet

Provides food pantry and clothes closet for Shelby County residents who are in need every Tuesday from 9:00 am - Noon.

Services: Food Donation Programs, Food Pantries, Meals, Summer Food Service Programs

2216 Clifton Avenue

Memphis, TN 38127

(901) 303-5145

Bethel Family Worship Center - Lafayette

Provides food donations, once per month to low-income residents of Macon County and clothing when available.

Services: Food Donation Programs, Food Pantries

101 Church Street

Lafayette, TN 37083

Bethesda Center - Ashland City

Provides clothing, food, prescription, and utility assistance (including water, gas and electricity) to individuals in need who live in Ashland City, Chapmansboro, Joelton, and Pleasant View in Cheatham County.

Services: Clothing, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Prescription Expense Assistance, Thrift Shops, Water Service Payment Assistance

124 South Main Street

Suite 101

Ashland City, TN 37015

(615) 792-1389

Blount County - Second Harvest Food Banks

Blount County: •Brown Food Pantry 309 E Broadway Ave Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 982-6192 •Chilhowee Baptist Center 1905 E Broadway Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 981-2992 •Church of the Cove 642 Wears Valley Road Townsend, TN 37882 (865) 448-1929 •Community Food Connection 311 Whitecrest Drive Maryville, TN 37701 (865) 977-4400 •Fairview United Methodist Church 2508 Old Niles Ferry Rd Maryville, TN 37803 (865) 983-2080 •Lord’s Disciples Ministries of Whosoever Will 2002 Old Knoxville Pike Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 977-4491 •Louisville Christian Assistance Center 2942 Topside Road Louisville, TN 37777 (865) 233-3112 •Manna Outreach Ministries 2615 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 983-6921 •Maryville Church of Christ 611 Sherwood Drive Maryville, TN 37802 (865) 983-0370 •RIO Townsend 325 Webb Road Townsend, TN 37882 (865) 202-5853 •Smoky Mountain Meals on Wheels 3509 Tuckaleechee Pike Maryville, TN 37803 (865) 983-8411 •Society of St.

Services: Food Pantries

Viewing 11-20 of 470 results (listed by best match)
