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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority - Beta Epsilon Omega Graduate Chapter - Service Sorority

African-American service sorority benefits humankind in matters related to health, education, world community, the arts, the black family and economics and provides events to benefit youth.

Services: Social Sororities

PO Box 770274

Memphis, TN 38177

(901) 359-7335

American Baptist College

Educating, graduating and preparing a predominantly African American student population for Christian leadership, service and social justice in the world.

Services: Colleges/Universities

1800 Baptist World Center Drive

Nashville, TN 37207

(615) 256-1463

American Diabetes Association

Provides National Contact for the National American Diabetes Association, providing information, advocacy and other services for diabetics, their families, and the health professionals who care for them.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Issue Advocacy, Professional Continuing Education, Therapeutic Camps

PO Box 7023

National Office

Merrifield, VA 22116

(800) 342-2383

Aquinas College

Post secondary Catholic educational institution in Nashville that is privately funded and controlled and offers the highest possible level of formal learning in various fields and disciplines for people who meet entry level requirements and are interested in teaching, or a history, philosophy or religious career.

Services: Colleges/Universities

4210 Harding Pike

Nashville, TN 37205

(615) 297-7545

ARCH Academy

A residential college preparatory independent school for adolescent males ages 14 - 18 years with a primary substance abuse problem.

Services: Detoxification, Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs, Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities, Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

8283 River Road

Nashville, TN 37209

(844) 272-4674

Arkansas State University Mid-South - Adult Education Dept - Adult Ed, ESL & GED Classes

ASU Mid-South community college provides adult basic education and literacy, workforce readiness prep, GED and ESL classes and testing for adult and teen residents of Arkansas residents.

Services: Adult Basic Education, Adult Literacy Programs, Community Colleges, English as a Second Language, Tutoring Volunteer Opportunities

2000 W Broadway Avenue

ASU West Memphis Campus

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 733-6871

Arkansas Workforce Center - West Memphis

Provides information and referral, military/veterans services, scholarships, youth summer employment programs, case management, basic computer training, literacy training, and on-the-job training.

Services: Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers, Job Finding Assistance, Job Information, On the Job Training, Scholarships, Summer Employment, Youth Job Development

2003 W Broadway Avenue

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 735-6730

Arlington Community Schools

Provides public school district for the town of Arlington, TN in Shelby County with four schools: Arlington Elementary, Donelson Elementary, Arlington Middle School and Arlington High School.

Services: Public Schools

12060 Arlington Trail

Arlington, TN 38002

(901) 389-2497

Asha's Refuge - Language and Job Skills Classes for Refugees and Approved Asylees

Provides a faith-based non-profit that offers free American life , language and job skills classes, and information about available resources to help refugees and asylees adjust to life in the US.

Services: English as a Second Language, Immigrant Benefits Assistance, Life Skills Education, Refugee Resettlement Services, Specialized Information and Referral, Training and Employment Programs, Tutoring Services

200 East Parkway North

First Baptist Church

Memphis, TN 38112

(901) 500-9200

Babb Center of First Baptist Church Hendersonville - Counseling Services

Provides individual, marriage, and family counseling for all ages as well as psychological testing.

Services: Adoption Evaluation/Placement, Divorce/Custody Investigation, Faith Based Counseling, General Counseling Services, Intelligence Testing, Pediatric Evaluation, Special Education Assessment

105 Music Village Boulevard

Babb Center Building

Hendersonville, TN 37075

(615) 824-3772

Viewing 11-20 of 651 results (listed by best match)
