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East TN Human Resource Agency - Scott County - Nutrition Services

Provides a nutritious meal to homebound, frail and/or isolated persons age 60 and older and/or the spouse of someone age 60 and older through home delivery.

Services: Home Delivered Meals

727 W. Third Street

Oneida, TN 37841

(423) 286-6929

Farragut Christian Church - Senior Weekend Meals

For seniors that receive Mobile Meals during the week the church also delivers meals on Saturdays each month in the Farragut Area, zip codes: 37922, 37932 & 37934.

Services: Home Delivered Meals

138 Admiral Road

Knoxville, TN 37934

(865) 966-5224

FiftyForward - Bordeaux

Provides a variety of engaging, fun, and educational activities for adults 50 and older, including but not limited to exercise classes, educational courses, arts and crafts, music, travel, and more.

Services: Case/Care Management, Conservatorship Assistance, General Crime Victim Assistance, Home Delivered Meals, Respite Care, Senior Centers

1010 Camilla Caldwell Lane


Nashville, TN 37218

(615) 248-2272

FiftyForward - Donelson Station

Provides a variety of engaging, fun, and educational activities for adults 50 and older, including but not limited to exercise classes, educational courses, arts and crafts, music, travel, and more.

Services: Case/Care Management, Conservatorship Assistance, General Crime Victim Assistance, Home Delivered Meals, Respite Care, Senior Centers

108 Donelson Pike

Nashville, TN 37214

(615) 883-8375

FiftyForward Fresh - Meals on Wheels for Davidson County

FiftyForward Fresh provides home delivery of fresh, healthy meals and senior-specific groceries to older adults in Davidson County and offers continued connection to essential resources through FiftyForward Supportive Care Services.

Services: Home Delivered Meals

174 Rains Avenue

Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 743-3416

FiftyForward - J. L. Turner

Provides a variety of engaging, fun, and educational activities for adults 50 and older, including but not limited to exercise classes, educational courses, arts and crafts, music, travel, and more.

Services: Case/Care Management, Conservatorship Assistance, Home Delivered Meals, Respite Care, Senior Centers

8101 Highway 100

Bellevue Family YMCA

Nashville, TN 37221

(615) 743-3400

FiftyForward - Knowles

Provides a variety of engaging, fun, and educational activities for adults 50 and older, including but not limited to exercise classes, educational courses, arts and crafts, music, travel, and more.

Services: Case/Care Management, Conservatorship Assistance, General Crime Victim Assistance, Home Delivered Meals, Respite Care, Senior Centers

174 Rains Avenue

Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 743-3400

FiftyForward - Madison Station

Provides a variety of engaging, fun, and educational activities for adults 50 and older, including but not limited to exercise classes, educational courses, arts and crafts, music, travel, and more.

Services: Case/Care Management, Conservatorship Assistance, Home Delivered Meals, Respite Care, Senior Centers

530 Madison Station Boulevard

Madison, TN 37115

(615) 743-3416

First Tennessee Human Resource Agency - Meals on Wheels of Northeast Tennessee

Good nutrition is important to everyone and homebound seniors are especially at risk.

Services: Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Home Delivered Meals, Meal Delivery Volunteer Opportunities

704 Rolling Hills Dr

Johnson City, TN 37604

(423) 928-3258

From Your Father Inc.

From Your Father empowers single mother households to thrive by providing vital resources.

Services: Home Delivered Meals, Parent Counseling

PO Box 41253

Nashville, TN 37204

(615) 378-8780

Viewing 11-20 of 81 results (listed by best match)
