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Viewing 11-20 of 66 results (listed by location, Near to Far)

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Corrine's Place of Love

Corrine's Place of Love is a non-profit that provides assistance to women, with or without children, who are homeless or having a life crisis in the Nashville area.

Services: General Clothing Provision, Homeless Drop In Centers, Meals, Public Wi-Fi Sites

2704 Torbett Street

Nashville, TN 37209

(615) 601-1152

Eighth Street Mission for Jesus Christ - West Memphis - Men's Shelter/Thrift Store

Provides men's shelter which is normally for three days and nights and includes meals, religious services, and personal counseling.

Services: General Clothing Provision, Homeless Shelter, Thrift Shops

717 E Broadway Avenue - Office

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 735-6010

Fairview United Methodist Church - Clothes Closet

Clothes Closet open on Wednesday from 9:30 am - 11:00 am.

Services: General Clothing Provision

2508 Old Niles Ferry Road

Maryville, TN 37803

(865) 983-2080

Faith Life Outreach - Food Pantry/Clothes Closet

Provides groceries and clothes on a first-come, first-served basis for needy people who fill out paperwork on distribution days on the third Tuesday of the month from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm.

Services: Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision

1435 Wells Station Road

Memphis, TN 38108

(901) 452-7993

Fayette Cares - Assistance

Provides payment of one month's rent, mortgage, utility, food pantry services, clothing and housewares.

Services: Diapers, Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision, Household Goods, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

13300 N Main Street

Somerville, TN 38068

(901) 465-3802 x224

First Baptist Church of Clinton - Clothing Assistance - must be in zip code 37716 or 37717

Provides shoes, coats, shirts, pants, dresses, etc.

Services: General Clothing Provision

225 North Main Street

Clinton, TN 37716

(865) 457-9353

First Presbyterian Church - Memphis - Clothes Closet

Provides clothes closet for persons in need in Shelby County every Sunday of the month from 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm.

Services: General Clothing Provision

166 Poplar Avenue

Memphis, TN 38103

(901) 525-5619

First United Methodist Church - Faithworks

Provides food and clothing to residents of Maury County.

Services: Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision

202 South Main Street

Mount Pleasant, TN 38474

(931) 379-3520

Good Samaritan Center of Loudon County - Emergency Assistance

The Good Samaritan Center is an assistance ministry serving Loudon County residents' critical needs, including: food, utility bills, clothing and household items, school supplies for Lenoir City and Loudon County students, rent assistance, food for pets, Thanksgiving baskets, and pharmacy assistance.

Services: COVID-19 Control, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Food Pantries, Free School Supplies, General Clothing Provision, Pet Food, Prescription Medication Services, Rent Payment Assistance, Thanksgiving Baskets, Utility Service Payment Assistance

119 N. A Street

Lenoir City, TN 37771

(865) 986-1777

Good Samaritans - Livingston - Food Pantry & Clothes Closet

Provides a food pantry with non-perishable food and clothes closet for Livingston, TN residents in need.

Services: Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision

116 North Spring Street

Livingston, TN 38570

(931) 823-6445

Viewing 11-20 of 66 results (listed by location, Near to Far)
