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Viewing 11-20 of 46 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)



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Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing wishlist items. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

Service Codes

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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Christ Community Health Services - Hickory Hill Health Center

Provides general medical care, pediatrics, HIV care, prenatal care, birth control, family planning, case management services and counseling.

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Family Planning, General Medical Care, Pharmacies, Teen Pregnancy Prevention

5366 Winchester Road

Memphis, TN 38115

(901) 842-3163

Christ Community Health Services - Orange Mound Health Center

Provides general medical care, pediatrics, pharmacies (located at Broad Avenue, Hickory Hill, Orange Mound and Third St Clinics), HIV care, prenatal care, birth control and family planning.

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, General Medical Care, Pharmacies, Prenatal Care

2569 Douglass Avenue

Memphis, TN 38114

(901) 842-3164

Christ Community Health Services - Raleigh Medical Clinic

Provides general medical care, pediatrics, pharmacy, HIV care, prenatal care, birth control, family planning, case management services, and counseling.

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Dental Care, General Medical Care, General Obstetrics, Prenatal Care

3481 Austin Peay Highway

Memphis, TN 38128

(901) 842-3165

Christ Community Health Services - Third Street Dental Clinic

Dental care includes exams, cleanings, sealings, extracts, limited periodontal treatment, restorations, dentures and partials, crowns and root canals.

Services: Community Clinics, Dental Care, Dentures

3362 S Third Street

Memphis, TN 38109

(901) 842-3175

Christ Community Health Services - Third Street Health Center

Provides general medical care, pediatrics, pharmacy, HIV care, prenatal care, birth control, family planning, case management services and counseling.

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Family Planning, General Medical Care, General Obstetrics, Pharmacies, Prenatal Care, Teen Pregnancy Prevention

3362 S Third Street

Memphis, TN 38109

(901) 842-3166

Christ Community Health Services - Women's Health Center

Provides faith-based pro-life women's clinic that offers physical exams, cervical cancer screenings, breast/testicular cancer screening, STD testing and treatment, high blood pressure screening, anemia screening, pregnancy testing, prenatal care and contraceptive methods plus primary pediatric care.

Services: Community Clinics, Contraception, Postpartum Care, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care, Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling

2861 Broad Avenue

Memphis, TN 38112

(901) 842-3168

Church Health - Memphis - Emergency Clinic - CALL FIRST FOR APPOINTMENT


Services: Community Clinics, COVID-19 Control

1350 Concourse Avenue Suite 142

Sears Crosstown Concourse Building

Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 272-0003

Church Health - Memphis - Health Care for Uninsured & Underserved in Shelby County

Faith-based, non-profit provides comprehensive healthcare and health services to individuals with little or no access to affordable healthcare.

Services: Community Clinics, Dental Care, Optometry, Pharmacies

1350 Concourse Avenue Suite 142

Old Sears Crosstown Concourse

Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 272-0003

Church Health - Memphis Plan

Provides medical assistance and hospitalization for small businesses and self-employed persons.

Services: Community Clinics, Health Insurance/Dental Coverage

1350 Concourse Avenue Suite 142

Sears Crosstown Building

Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 272-7526

CMI Healthcare Services - Memphis - Your Community Health & Wellness Center Clinic

Provides basic primary care services including diabetes care, hypertension care, pap smears for women, flu shots, etc.

Services: Community Clinics

3171 Directors Row

Memphis, TN 38131

(901) 271-5379

Viewing 11-20 of 46 results (listed by best match)
