
Viewing 21-30 of 83 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Organized Neighbors of Edgehill - Community Improvement

The Organized Neighbors of Edgehill (ONE),provides a Family Resource Center, housing program, Community Garden, Scholarships for high school students to attend college and other youth and senior programs for residents of Edgehill in Nashville in the 37203 and 37212 and other programs and connections to resources.

Services: Community Gardening, Family Resource Centers/Outreach, Neighborhood Improvement Groups, Scholarships

1001 Edgehill Avenue

Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 975-5504

Plant the Seed

Plant the Seed is a non-profit that provides agriculture-inspired experiential education to about 1400 Nashville Metro Public School students in grades Pre-K-4th by partnering with early learning centers and elementary schools in vulnerable neighborhoods in Nashville.

Services: Community Gardening, Service Learning Programs

1402 Sweetbriar Avenue

Nashville, TN 37212

(615) 934-3454

South Memphis Farmers Market

Provides a farmers market each Thursday from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm from June through August at the corner of Mississippi Blvd and South Parkway East (former location of the Carter Fish Market Store).

Services: Cooking Classes, Farmers Markets, Farmers Markets Accepting Nutrition Program Vouchers, Markets/Restaurants Accepting EBT Cards

1400 Mississippi Boulevard

Memphis, TN 38106

(901) 505-0221

The Nashville Food Project

Brings people together to grow, cook and share nourishing food, with the goals of cultivating community and alleviating hunger in our city through a just and sustainable food system in Cheatham and Davidson counties.

Services: Community Gardening, Community Meals, Food Production/Preparation/Delivery Volunteer Opportunities

5904 California Avenue

Nashville, TN 37209

(615) 460-0172

TN Baptist Children's Homes Ranch - Millington

Provides a faith-based residential group home for children that uses work therapy based care with Vo-Tech shops and animals in a ranch setting.

Services: Animal Husbandry Programs, Group Homes for Dependent Children

9224 Quito Road

Millington, TN 38053

(901) 872-0839

University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service - 4-H, Master Gardener, Farming Programs

Provides educational programs in agriculture, family and consumer sciences (home economics), 4-H, and community development based on University of Arkansas research and includes Master Gardeners program and pesticide training, licensing, and education.

Services: Consumer Education, Crop Production Support, Home Gardening Assistance/Supplies, Home Management Instruction, Sustainable Agriculture Programs, Youth Agricultural Programs

116 Center Street

Univ of Arkansas Extension Service - Marion Office

Marion, AR 72364

(870) 739-3239

University of Tennessee Extension - Grainger County - Agriculture and Resource Development


Services: COVID-19 Control, Food Production Support Services

460 Water Street

Rutledge, TN 37861

(865) 828-3411

University of Tennessee Extension - Loudon County - Agriculture and Resource Development

Programs educate farmers and homeowners and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing.

Services: Food Production Support Services

100 River Rd.

Suite 112

Loudon, TN 37774

(865) 458-5612

University of Tennessee Extension - Sevier County - Agriculture and Resource Development

Programs educate farmers and homeowners and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing.

Services: Food Production Support Services

752 Old Knoxville Hwy

Sevierville, TN 37862

(865) 453-3695

University of TN Extension - Bedford County Office - Shelbyville

An outreach branch of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and Tennessee State University which provides research-based solutions and information to the citizens of Tennessee.

Services: Cooking Classes, Food Production Support Services, Home Management Instruction, Nutrition Education, Youth Agricultural Programs

2105 Midland Road

Shelbyville, TN 37160

(931) 684-5971

Viewing 21-30 of 83 results (listed by best match)
