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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Arkansas Dept of Veterans Affairs

Provides Arkansas veterans with information/services about pensions, compensation, home loans, education, hospitalization, burial, discharge information, and government life insurance.

Services: Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Home Loans, Veteran Life Insurance, Veteran Pension Program

2200 Fort Roots Building 111

North Little Rock, AR 72114

(501) 683-2382

Arkansas Rehabilitation Services - Disability Related Employment

Provides eligible Arkansans with any type of disability (physical or mental) with assistance in finding suitable work and rehabilitation services if needed.

Services: Assistive Listening Devices, Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, Hearing Aids, Special Needs Job Development, Vocational Rehabilitation

2003 West Broadway

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 735-4725

Arkansas Workforce Center - West Memphis

Provides information and referral, military/veterans services, scholarships, youth summer employment programs, case management, basic computer training, literacy training, and on-the-job training.

Services: Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers, Job Finding Assistance, Job Information, On the Job Training, Scholarships, Summer Employment, Youth Job Development

2003 W Broadway Avenue

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 735-6730

Asha's Refuge - Language and Job Skills Classes for Refugees and Approved Asylees

Provides a faith-based non-profit that offers free American life , language and job skills classes, and information about available resources to help refugees and asylees adjust to life in the US.

Services: English as a Second Language, Immigrant Benefits Assistance, Life Skills Education, Refugee Resettlement Services, Specialized Information and Referral, Training and Employment Programs, Tutoring Services

200 East Parkway North

First Baptist Church

Memphis, TN 38112

(901) 500-9200

Baddour Center - Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Provides a center with educational opportunities, residential services (including supervised and transitional housing), sheltered and campus employment, drama program, music classes, and a traveling choir (The Miracles) for people with mild-to-moderate intellectual disabilities.

Services: Adult Residential Care Homes, Disability Related Center Based Employment, Glee Clubs/Choir Groups, Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities, Music Instruction, Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing, Vocational Rehabilitation

626 Baddour Boulevard

Senatobia, MS 38668

(888) 422-3368

Baileyton Community Chest

Provides temporary financial assistance and community organization.

Services: Travelers Assistance, Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

6530 Horton Hwy

Greeneville, TN 37745

(423) 234-6911

Bedford County Health Department

Tennessee's local health departments provide a variety of health services including vaccines, family planning, STD control, health education, and more.

Services: Birth Certificates, Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams, Death Certificates, Family Planning, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, WIC

140 Dover Street

Shelbyville, TN 37160

(931) 684-3426

Begin Anew - Franklin

Provides free adult education for both men and women in 3 areas: High School Equivalency, English Language Learning, and Computer and Job Skills.

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, English as a Second Language, Prejob Guidance

1350 W Main Street

Walker Memorial Baptist Church

Franklin, TN 37064

(615) 977-8908

Begin Anew - Madison

Provides free adult education for both men and women in Davidson County in 3 areas: High School Equivalency, English Language Learning and Computer and Job Skills.

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, English as a Second Language, Prejob Guidance

106 Gallatin Pike North

Madison Church of Christ

Madison, TN 37115

(615) 578-6902

Begin Anew - Nashville (Women Only)

Provides free adult education to women in 2 areas: High School Equivalency and Computer and Job Skills.

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, Prejob Guidance

108 7th Avenue South

First Baptist Church

Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 440-7526

Viewing 21-30 of 779 results (listed by best match)
