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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)



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Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing wishlist items. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

Service Codes

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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Boulevard Church of Christ - Food Pantry 38116 ONLY - CALL

Provides food pantry for residents of 38116 zip code only on Tuesdays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm.

Services: Food Pantries

1102 Hale Road

Memphis, TN 38116

(901) 590-0614

Bread of Life Fellowship Food Pantry - Johnson City

Food Pantry - Tuesdays from 1 PM - 3 PM / Need Drivers License, Address and Phone Number / Everyone is Eligible /

Services: Food Pantries

2308 Watauga Rd

Johnson City, TN 37601

(423) 722-3065

Brenda Brawley Daily Bread Food Pantry - Tue & Thu 9:00 am - 11:00 am - Call

Provides emergency food for Obion County residents in need twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Calvary Baptist Church in Union City, TN.

Services: Food Pantries

2250 E Reelfoot Ave

Union City, TN 38261

(731) 885-2961

Brinkley Heights Baptist Church - 38112 & 38122 - Food Pantry

Provides three-day supply of food for persons in need from zip codes 38112 and 38122 who have state ID and social security cards for all the members of the household; can only take 20 people per day.

Services: Food Pantries

3286 Rosamond Avenue

Brinkley Heights Ministries

Memphis, TN 38122

(901) 324-3022 x1

Bristol Emergency Food Pantry

Meeting the emergency food needs of families and individuals in Bristol VA/TN.

Services: Emergency Food, Food Pantries

155 Washington Street

(In front of First Baptist Church)

Bristol, VA 24201

(423) 571-4449

Bristol Faith in Action

At Bristol Faith in Action, our clients may receive: Material relief for rent, housing, or food Relief steered to landlord or electric service etc.

Services: Cleaning Products, Diapers, Food Pantries, Personal Financial Counseling, Personal/Grooming Supplies, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance, Volunteer Opportunities

1556 Euclid Avenue

Bristol, VA 24201

(276) 466-8292

Brownsville Baptist Church - Food Pantry - Haywood County - Call for Schedule

Provides food pantry that serves residents of Haywood County.

Services: Food Pantries, Home Delivered Meals

5 N Wilson Avenue

Brownsville, TN 38012

(731) 772-9753

Building Lives Foundation

Agency serves veterans that are in need of transitional housing services, food, rent assistance, mortgage assistance and utility assistance.

Services: Food Pantries, Mentoring Programs, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Training and Employment Programs, Transitional Housing/Shelter, Utility Service Payment Assistance

2000 Mallory Lane

Suites 130-166

Franklin, TN 37067

(615) 678-4967

Calvary Baptist Church - Memphis - Food Pantry - Call Wed 12:30 pm

Provides food pantry with 2-3 days worth of food to households in need, based on number of people in the household.

Services: Food Pantries

3812 Kirby Parkway

Memphis, TN 38115

(901) 795-5407

Care Center Medical Clinic - Pregnancy Resources

Provides free pregnancy testing, pro-life pregnancy counseling, assistance in obtaining insurance, ultrasounds, childbirth classes, material assistance (including maternity clothing and prenatal vitamins, WIC screening, free baby food, baby clothing, diapers and equipment when available), community service and medical referrals, and parenting classes and counseling (including individual or group postnatal counseling, infant development, nutrition, and breastfeeding).

Services: Baby Clothing, Baby Furniture, Breast Pumps, Diapers, Expectant/New Parent Assistance, Formula/Baby Food, Health Insurance Information/Counseling, Maternity Clothing, Parenting Education, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Related Volunteer Opportunities, Pregnancy Testing, Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling, WIC

1277 Main Street - Stateline Road

Southaven, MS 38671

(662) 280-1202

Viewing 21-30 of 470 results (listed by best match)
