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Backfield in Motion

Backfield in Motion offers an extended after school learning program including tutoring, ELL (English Language Learners) and SEL (Life Skills and Social and Emotional Learning) programs, STEM programs with coding and robotics events (especially targeted at students of color and females), summer academic camp and athletic and recreation programs dedicated to at-risk, low-income, students in grades 1-12 who attend Metro Nashville Public Schools.

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, Extended Child Care, Recreational Activities/Sports, Summer Camps, Tutoring Services

920 Woodland Street

Nashville, TN 37206

(615) 227-9935

Bartlett Baptist Church - ESL Classes

Offers instruction in English as a second language and faith-based fellowship at Bartlett Baptist Church in Shelby County, TN every Wednesday from 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm during the school year.

Services: English as a Second Language

3465 Kirby Whitten Parkway

Bartlett Baptist Church

Bartlett, TN 38135

(901) 333-3350

Bartlett City Schools

Provides school administration for public schools in the city of Bartlett, TN.

Services: Local School Boards, Public Schools

5705 Stage Road

Bartlett, TN 38134

(901) 202-0855

Bedford County Adult Basic Education

Provides educational services to adults ages 18 years and older, including basic skills, GED preparation, and English language classes for non-native speakers; classes are held Mon - Fri and are 3 hours long; call to ask for a class schedule, including start and end dates.

Services: Adult Basic Education, English as a Second Language

326 E Depot Street

Shelbyville, TN 37160

(931) 684-8635

Bedford County Schools - Dept of Education

Local administrative unit that operates public schools in Bedford County, TN.

Services: Public Schools, School Districts

500 Madison Street

Shelbyville, TN 37160

(931) 684-3284

Begin Anew - Franklin

Provides free adult education for both men and women in 3 areas: High School Equivalency, English Language Learning, and Computer and Job Skills.

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, English as a Second Language, Prejob Guidance

1350 W Main Street

Walker Memorial Baptist Church

Franklin, TN 37064

(615) 977-8908

Begin Anew - Madison

Provides free adult education for both men and women in Davidson County in 3 areas: High School Equivalency, English Language Learning and Computer and Job Skills.

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, English as a Second Language, Prejob Guidance

106 Gallatin Pike North

Madison Church of Christ

Madison, TN 37115

(615) 578-6902

Begin Anew - Online Classes

Provides free adult education in 2 areas through online courses: High School Equivalency and English Language Learning for residents of Middle TN.

Services: English as a Second Language

1111 Foster Avenue

Loftis Steel & Aluminum, Inc; (Central Administrative Office)

Nashville, TN 37210

(615) 674-0953

Begin Anew - Woodbine

Provides free adult education in 2 areas: High School Equivalency and English Language Learning for residents of Davidson County.

Services: English as a Second Language

29 Whitsett Road

The Church at Woodbine

Nashville, TN 37210

(615) 504-2885

Bellevue Baptist Church - ESL Classes

Offers conversational English as a second language and faith-based fellowship at Bellevue Baptist Church in Shelby County, TN.

Services: English as a Second Language

2000 Appling Road

Bellevue Baptist Church

Cordova, TN 38016

(901) 347-5730

Viewing 21-30 of 651 results (listed by best match)
