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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Benton County Health Department

Tennessee's local health departments provide a variety of health services including vaccines, family planning, STD control, health education, and more.

Services: Birth Certificates, Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams, Death Certificates, Family Planning, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, WIC

225 Hospital Drive

Camden, TN 38320

(731) 584-4944

Bethlehem Centers of Nashville - Family Resource Center

Provides services to youth, seniors, their families, and the surrounding community.

Services: Home Delivered Meals, Job Readiness, Senior Centers, Summer Camps, Underage Drinking Prevention, Youth Enrichment Programs

1417 Charlotte Avenue

Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 329-3386

Big Hatchie Baptist Association - Mental Health Counseling

Provides faith-based counseling for adolescents/youth, premarital couples, family, and individuals in anger management, persons coping with addictions, separation, divorce, grief, stress, career management, depression and anxiety, and persons handling blended family issues.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Anger Management, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Career Counseling, Divorce Counseling, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling, Premarital Counseling

1390 Highway 51 North

Covington, TN 38019

(901) 476-6759

Big Table

Provides help for hospitality industry workers who are in crisis in the Greater Nashville area, including workers in hotels and restaurants, concession stands and those in culinary training programs.

Services: Temporary Financial Assistance, Trade Associations

631 2nd Avenue South

Suite LL-A

Nashville, TN 37210

(615) 988-0868

Binghampton Development Corporation

Provides low-cost senior housing (See Hope Community listing for details), paid job training program lasting 6-9 months for eligible males and females over 18; job training programs include logistics, construction, warehouse jobs and recycling training (at 2690 Yale Avenue 38112, the new BDC Business Hub located at the old Power & Tel warehouse).

Services: Community Development Corporations, Extended Child Care, Job Training Formats, Small Business Development

280 Tillman

Memphis, TN 38112

(901) 347-0504

Blount County Health Department - Women, Infants, and Children - WIC

WIC provides free nutrition education, breastfeeding education and support, nutritious foods, and health referrals to low to moderate income women, infants, and children up to 5 years old who are at nutritional risk.

Services: WIC

301 McGee St

Maryville, TN 37801

(865) 983-4582

Boys and Girls Clubs of Middle TN - Andrew Jackson Club

Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee (BGCMT) are creating a new and brighter future for thousands of young people.

Services: Boys/Girls Clubs, Computer Literacy Training Programs, Diversity Awareness Training, Extended Child Care, Leadership Development, Peer to Peer Networking, Prejob Guidance, Self Esteem Workshops, Sexual Abstinence Education Programs, Tutoring Services, Volunteer Opportunities, Wellness Programs

916 16th Avenue North

Nashville, TN 37208

(615) 320-5106

Boys and Girls Clubs of Middle TN - Chadwell Clubhouse

Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee (BGCMT) are creating a new and brighter future for thousands of young people.

Services: Boys/Girls Clubs, Computer Literacy Training Programs, Diversity Awareness Training, Extended Child Care, Leadership Development, Peer to Peer Networking, Prejob Guidance, Self Esteem Workshops, Sexual Abstinence Education Programs, Tutoring Services, Volunteer Opportunities, Wellness Programs

321 Port Drive

Madison, TN 37115

(615) 935-0328

Boys and Girls Clubs of Middle TN - Eagle View Clubhouse

Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee (BGCMT) are creating a new and brighter future for thousands of young people.

Services: Boys/Girls Clubs, Computer Literacy Training Programs, Diversity Awareness Training, Extended Child Care, Leadership Development, Peer to Peer Networking, Prejob Guidance, Self Esteem Workshops, Sexual Abstinence Education Programs, Tutoring Services, Volunteer Opportunities, Wellness Programs

1470 Eagle View Boulevard

Antioch, TN 37013

(615) 924-5895

Boys and Girls Clubs of Middle TN - East End Prep Clubhouse

Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee (BGCMT) are creating a new and brighter future for thousands of young people.

Services: Boys/Girls Clubs, Computer Literacy Training Programs, Diversity Awareness Training, Extended Child Care, Leadership Development, Peer to Peer Networking, Prejob Guidance, Self Esteem Workshops, Sexual Abstinence Education Programs, Tutoring Services, Volunteer Opportunities, Wellness Programs

1460 McGavock Pike

Nashville, TN 37216

(615) 927-7296

Viewing 31-40 of 779 results (listed by best match)
