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Viewing 31-40 of 56 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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  • You may list the search results by location if you provide a five-digit ZIP code.



If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)



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Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing wishlist items. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

Service Codes

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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Neighborhood Service Center - Bristol (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

713 Volunteer Parkway

Suite 6

Bristol, TN 37620

(423) 246-6180

Neighborhood Service Center - Carter County (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

1739 Highway 19E

Elizabethton, TN 37643

(423) 246-6180

Neighborhood Service Center - Greene County (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

1128 Tusculum Blvd.

Office C

Greeneville, TN 37744

(423) 246-6180

Neighborhood Service Center - Hancock County (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

1197 Main St

Sneedville, TN 37869

(423) 246-6180

Neighborhood Service Center - Hawkins County (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

904 East Main St

Suite 1

Rogersville, TN 37857

(423) 246-6180

Neighborhood Service Center - Johnson County (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

784 South Shady St

Mountain City, TN 37683

(423) 246-6180

Neighborhood Service Center - Kingsport (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

301 Louis St

Kingsport, TN 37660

(423) 246-6180

Neighborhood Service Center - Unicoi County (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

1413 N. Main Avenue

Unit C

Erwin, TN 37650

(423) 246-6180

Neighborhood Service Center - Washington County (UETHDA)

Eligibility requirements for UETHDA services are set by State and Federal funding guidelines and may include income, age, disability, or demonstrated need of a service.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Automobile Payment Assistance, Automotive Repair and Maintenance, Bus Fare, Case/Care Management, Clothing, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Dental Care, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Dentures, Emergency Food, Employment Physical Examinations, Eye Care Expense Assistance, FEMA Emergency Food/Shelter Administrative Agencies, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Hearing Aids, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods

125 E Jackson Blvd

Suite 11A

Jonesborough, TN 37659

(423) 246-6180

Northeast MS Community Services - Marshall County, MS Office - Rent/Utilities/Meals/Homemaker


Services: Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance, Weatherization Programs

586 Old Highway 178 East

Holly Springs, MS 38635

(662) 728-2118

Viewing 31-40 of 56 results (listed by best match)
