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Viewing 41-46 of 46 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)



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Shelby Crossing Public Health Clinic - WIC Nutrition Program/Well Child Checkups

Provides WIC (Women, Infant and Children Nutrition Program) applications, screenings and certifications for pregnant women and children under age 6 who qualify.

Services: Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams, Community Clinics, General Physical Examinations, WIC, WIC Applications/Certification

1826 Sycamore View

Memphis, TN 38134

(901) 222-9980

ShotRx Memphis - Free Vaacinations - COVID Testing -

Healthcare organization focused on mobile health solutions ranging from on-site vaccinations, health screenings for children and adults, physicals for children and adults, and general non-emergency medical visits.

Services: Childhood Immunization, Community Clinics, COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests, COVID-19 Immunization Clinics, Hepatitis A Immunizations, Hepatitis B Immunizations, Immunizations, Mpox Control

6094 Apple Tree Dr

Memphis, TN 38115

Southland Mall Public Health Clinic - Immunizations/Well Child Checkups

Provides adult, adolescent and children's immunizations, flu shots and travel immunizations.

Services: Childhood Immunization, Community Clinics, Flu Vaccines, Hepatitis A Immunizations, Hepatitis B Immunizations, HPV Immunizations, Immunizations, Measles/Mumps/Rubella Immunizations, Meningitis Immunizations, Physical Examinations, Poliovirus Immunizations, Td/Tdap Immunizations, Travel Immunizations

1287 Southland Mall

Memphis, TN 38116

(901) 222-9980

Tri-State Community Health Center - Memphis - Benefits Assistance & Community Clinic

Screens individuals for area programs that connect them to benefits including SNAP (food stamps), TennCare, WIC and the free cell phone service.

Services: Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs, Benefits and Services Assistance, Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs, Community Clinics, Dental Care, Dentures, Food Stamps/SNAP, Individual Counseling, Medicaid, Medicare, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Telephone Service Payment Assistance

4041 Knight Arnold Road Suite 100

Memphis, TN 38118

(901) 572-1573

Veterans Administration Nonconnah Blvd Clinic - Community Based Outpatient Clinic for Vets - Memphis

Provides primary care services and behavioral health services for veterans, including individual, group and family counseling, nutritional education and smoking cessation programs, labs for blood work and prescription processing and counseling.

Services: Community Clinics, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

1689 Nonconnah Boulevard Suites 100

Memphis, TN 38132

(901) 271-4900

Veterans Administration North Memphis Clinic - Community Based Outpatient Clinic for Veterans

Provides primary care services and behavioral health services for veterans, including individual, group and family counseling, nutritional education, mental health/psychology and smoking cessation programs, labs for bloodwork and prescription processing and counseling.

Services: Community Clinics, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

3461 Austin Peay Highway

Memphis, TN 38128

(901) 261-4500

Viewing 41-46 of 46 results (listed by best match)
