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Viewing 771-779 of 779 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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Williamson County Health Department - Franklin

Tennessee's local health departments provide a variety of health services including vaccines, family planning, STD control, health education, and more.

Services: Birth Certificates, Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams, Death Certificates, Dental Care, Family Planning, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Prenatal Care, Public Clinics, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, Smoking/Vaping Cessation, WIC

1324 W Main Street

Franklin, TN 37064

(615) 794-1542

Wilson County Health Department

Tennessee's local health departments provide a variety of health services including vaccines, family planning, STD control, health education, and more.

Services: Birth Certificates, Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams, Death Certificates, Family Planning, General Dentistry, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, Smoking/Vaping Cessation, WIC

927 E Baddour Parkway

Lebanon, TN 37087

(615) 444-5325

Workforce Essentials - Cheatham County

Provides an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location.

Services: Career Development, Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers, Driving Safety Education, Job Information, Job Search/Placement, Prejob Guidance

384 S Main Street

Ashland City, TN 37015

(615) 792-2520

Workforce Essentials - Middle TN - SCSEP Senior Job Program

Workforce Essentials, Inc.

Services: Job Finding Assistance, Senior Community Service Employment Programs

523 Madison Street

Suite A

Clarksville, TN 37040

(615) 664-8564

YEP - TN Youth Employment Program

The Youth Employment Program offers a paid employment opportunity to youth, paired with first-hand work experience and educational learning.

Services: At Risk Youth Employment Programs, Summer Youth Employment Programs, Youth Employment Programs, Youth Job Development

220 French Landing Drive

Nashville, TN 37243

YouthBuild Memphis - Free Job Training

Provides free GED, HiSet and job skills training for youth ages 16-24 in Fayette, Haywood, Lauderdale, Shelby and Tipton counties.

Services: Career Entrance Examination Preparation, Job Training Formats, Youth Employment Programs

1109 Mississippi Boulevard

Memphis, TN 38126

(901) 746-9287

Youth Links - Youth Link Services

Tutoring and study skills training, occupational training, mentoring, guidance and counseling, summer employment opportunities, job shadowing, fees for GED, other tests, tuition, books, etc.

Services: Guidance and Counseling, Summer Youth Employment Programs, Tutoring Services, Youth Job Development

205 Stumpy Lane

Lebanon, TN 37090

(615) 453-3833

YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee

Provides a 24-hour crisis and support helpline and emergency shelter for survivors of domestic violence.

Services: Domestic Violence Hotlines, Domestic Violence Shelters, Domestic Violence Support Groups, Job Interview Training, Resume Preparation Assistance, Summer Camps

1608 Woodmont Boulevard

Main YWCA Nashville Headquarters

Nashville, TN 37215

(615) 269-9922

YWCA of Greater Memphis - Employment and Training Programs

Offers opportunities for women and non-custodial parents in non-traditional career exploration, training, and employment at no cost; also.

Services: Employment Preparation, Job Finding Assistance

1044 Mississippi Boulevard

Memphis, TN 38126

(901) 948-8899

Viewing 771-779 of 779 results (listed by best match)
