
Viewing 71-80 of 83 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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University of TN Extension - Warren County Office

The Extension Service brings research-based information about agriculture, family and consumer sciences, and resource development to Warren County.

Services: Cooking Classes, Co-Parenting Workshops, Food Production Support Services, Home Management Instruction, Nutrition Education, Special Interest Camps, Youth Agricultural Programs

201 Locust Street

Suite 10

Mc Minnville, TN 37110

(931) 473-8484

University of TN Extension - Wayne County Office

The Extension Service brings research-based information about agriculture, family and consumer sciences, and resource development to Wayne County.

Services: Cooking Classes, Co-Parenting Workshops, Food Production Support Services, Home Management Instruction, Nutrition Education, Youth Agricultural Programs

849 McCall Drive

Collinwood, TN 38450

(931) 722-3229

University of TN Extension - White County Office

The Extension Service brings research-based information about agriculture, family and consumer sciences, and resource development to White County.

Services: Cooking Classes, Food Production Support Services, Home Management Instruction, Nutrition Education, Special Interest Camps, Youth Agricultural Programs

117 S Main Street

Sparta, TN 38583

(931) 836-3348

University of TN Extension - Williamson County Office - Franklin

The Extension Service brings research-based information about agriculture, family and consumer sciences, and resource development to Williamson County.

Services: Cooking Classes, Co-Parenting Workshops, Food Production Support Services, Home Management Instruction, Nutrition Education, Special Interest Camps, Youth Agricultural Programs

4215 Long Lane, Suite 200

Williamson County Ag Expo Park

Franklin, TN 37064

(615) 790-5721

University of TN Extension - Wilson County Office - Lebanon

The Extension Service brings research-based information about agriculture, family and consumer sciences, and resource development to Wilson County.

Services: Cooking Classes, Food Production Support Services, Home Management Instruction, Nutrition Education, Special Interest Camps, Youth Agricultural Programs

925 East Baddour Parkway

Suite 100

Lebanon, TN 37087

(615) 444-9584

University of TN/TSU Extension - Davidson County Office

UT/TSU Extension serves the citizens of Davidson County with educational programs in the areas of Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, Community Resource Development, and 4-H Youth Development.

Services: Agricultural Pest/Disease Control Assistance, Camps, Cooking Classes, Horticultural Societies, Nutrition Education, Parenting Education, Volunteer Opportunities, Youth Agricultural Programs

1417 Murfreesboro Pike

Nashville, TN 37219

(615) 862-5995

UT Extension - Anderson County - Agriculture and Resource Development

Programs educate farmers and homeowners and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing.

Services: Food Production Support Services

100 N Main St.

Courthouse Rm 213

Clinton, TN 37716

(865) 457-6246

UT Extension Service Carter County

The Carter County Extension Office is part of the University of Tennessee Extension Service.

Services: Printed/Printable Materials, Stream Cleanup/Water Conservation Volunteer Opportunities, Sustainable Agriculture Programs, Water Resources Conservation, Workshops/Symposiums, Youth Agricultural Programs

824 E Elk Avenue

Elizabethton, TN 37643

(423) 542-1818

UT Extension Service Sullivan County

The Extension Office in Sullivan County links the University of Tennessee and the resources of our community to provide research-based information and educational opportunities.

Services: Farmland Preservation, Food Production Economics, Printed/Printable Materials, Sustainable Agriculture Programs, Sustainable Agriculture Research, Workshops/Symposiums, Youth Agricultural Programs

140 Spurgeon Lane

Blountville, TN 37617

(423) 754-1919

UT Extension Service Unicoi County

UT Extension serves the citizens of Unicoi County with educational programs in the areas of Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, Community Resource Development, and 4-H Youth Development.

Services: Agricultural Soil Testing, Agricultural Stabilization/Conservation, Cooperative Extension Service Education Programs, Food Production Economics, Printed/Printable Materials, Water Quality Monitoring, Wetlands Conservation, Workshops/Symposiums, Youth Agricultural Programs

100 N Main Avenue

Courthouse, Suite 107

Erwin, TN 37650

Viewing 71-80 of 83 results (listed by best match)
