Genesis Homeless Services for Individual Adults - Memphis - Catholic Charities of West TN


85 N Cleveland Street
Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 722-4762


CCWTN;home901;DTD;TTS;CJC houseless services;Rapid Rehousing Program for Singles


Provides temporary housing assistance. Verification of homelessness is required. Clients secure housing with their own leases and are expected to sustain the housing after a short period of assistance; this is a short term crisis intervention program that offers limited help until a person can support themselves.


Mon - Thu 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Closes at the end of each December for an approximate two week period and opens around January 2 of each year.

Intake Process:

Call for information

Program Fees:

No Fee


Families or Individuals, 18 or older, who are coming directly from an emergency shelter or on the street and can provide verification of being homeless

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

February 8, 2024

Legal Status:


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