Sertoma Center - Residential Services


1400 E. 5th Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37917

(865) 524-5555


Provides supervised living facility for persons with intellectual disabilities. The programs foster independence and participation in community activities including volunteering, employment, sports, recreation, etc.


Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Intake Process:

Referral by TN Division of Intellectual Disabilities Services.

Program Fees:

No Fee. Medicaid/TennCare, Medicare, and Private Insurance are accepted.


Translation can be arranged


Must be age 22 or older.

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

July 18, 2022

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

1400 E. 5th Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37917


Lee Freeman

Primary Contact

Executive Director

(865) 524-5555

Phone Numbers


(865) 524-5555

Legal Status:

Nonprofit (Incorporated)

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Tennessee
    • Knox County
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