Dismas - Nashville


2424 Charlotte Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 297-4511



Dismas House of Nashville Re-Entry Program


The mission of Dismas House is to transform lives and strengthen communities by providing the formerly incarcerated with holistic reentry solutions. The program is a minimum 90 days and residents can stay as long they like in order to receive services if rules of the house are followed. Out of the 72 beds, 16 are independent living studios, where residents and outside applicants can apply for as a more independent living model after completing the Dismas or another reentry!€™s program.


Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Intake Process:

Submit an application to begin admissions process; call, write, or visit website for application. The application process is lengthy, and Dismas recommends applying for several other housing options.

Program Fees:

Call for fee information or see application


Male, 18 years of age or older exiting incarceration from a county or state TN prison or jail. Does not accept individuals who have sex offenses, arson, or child maltreatment charges. Priority is given to individuals who resided in Tennessee at the time of their arrest or offended in Tennessee.

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

July 23, 2024


Please visit our Amazon Smile page to see our wishlist: https://smile.amazon.com/hz/charitylist/ls/1N3FXG6R033EV

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers may purchase and prepare an evening meal Monday through Thursday; teach residents valuable skills such as money management, fitness, and preparing meals; assist with clerical activities; or assist with fundraising. Email volunteer@dismas.org, if interested.

Employer ID:


Year Incorporated:


Legal Status:

Nonprofit (Incorporated)

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