The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Special Education
Programs that develop and implement organized plans for locating and identifying children who may be experiencing developmental delays or be in need of special education, and connect them with programs that provide evaluation and assessment services and/or school systems that offer the educational assistance they need.
Programs that provide itinerant instructional services for students who are unable to leave their homes to attend regular special day classes because of noncontagious medical conditions, physical disabilities and/or emotional problems. Teleclasses, which utilize special conference-type telephone equipment to provide instruction in all subjects, may be provided for these pupils.
Postsecondary Opportunities for People With Disabilities
Programs that provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities to obtain academic, vocational and/or independent living skills instruction at the postsecondary level with the objective of participating in college classes, improving their social and communication skills, enhancing their independence and employability, forming friendships with their peers, developing age-appropriate recreational and leisure pursuits and/or meeting other individualized objectives which reflect their interests and goals. The programs may be available on college and university campuses, as part of adult and continuing education programs or offered at community colleges, technical/trade schools or special centers where students may be regularly enrolled, auditing courses, participating in internships or taking noncredit courses that do not lead to a degree or other academic credential. Some programs have a supported living component and most have special support services which help students succeed in the academic, vocational, residential or other settings in which they are involved.
Separately organized district, county or state schools at preschool, elementary or secondary levels that are established for the purpose of providing educational services for children with disabilities whose needs cannot be met in special classes or centers in a regular educational facility.
Special Education Classes/Centers
Programs that enroll exceptional learners for the majority of the school day in special classes or centers that are located on regular school sites and which group pupils who have similar instructional needs. Special classes and centers serve pupils who have intensive needs that cannot be met in a less restrictive learning environment.
Special Education Plan Development
Programs that provide information, technical assistance and support which relates to the development, implementation, review and revision of Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities and/or Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) for infants and toddlers with disabilities who are eligible for early intervention services. IEPs are written documents developed by a team that includes a child’s parents and school staff which lists, among other things, the special education services (including transition services) the child will receive. IFSPs document family involvement and early intervention services provided to infants and toddlers with disabilities. The programs may target special education professionals and or parents; and help parents participate more effectively in the process.
Transition Services for Students With Disabilities
Programs that provide support for children with disabilities who are moving from one kind of program setting or service provision system to another. The common transition points include transitions from health services to education or vice versa, from preschool to kindergarten, from elementary school to middle school, from secondary school to adult life and from more restrictive to less restrictive settings.