Memphis Shelby County Schools - Family and Community Engagement


160 S Hollywood Street Room 164
Memphis, TN 38112

(901) 416-7600


Volunteer Tutoring Program, Team Read


Matches community members with students in need of extra help with their reading and math skills. Volunteers work one-on-one with students in grades K-12 at specific schools.


Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Intake Process:

Volunteers: Must 1) Submit fingerprinting and provide photo ID for background check (at Shelby County City Schools office, Room 164; SCS pays for the fingerprinting); and 2) Attend a pre-service tutor training session offered at various locations (time varies). Training schedule available online.

Program Fees:

No Fee


Students: Must attend specific SCS schools and be referred by the school
Volunteers: Must be high school graduates 18 years and older and successfully complete application screening and training. Must be able to commit to minimum of one hour week of tutoring. from mid-September through May.

Is Shelter?


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

June 11, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

160 S Hollywood Street Room 164
Memphis, TN 38112


Dwayne Scott

Primary Contact

Volunteer Progam Manager

(901) 416-5732

Agency Email

Dr. Marie N. Feagins


Sunya Payne


Phone Numbers


(901) 416-7600


(901) 416-5304


(901) 416-5300

Legal Status:


Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Tennessee
    • Shelby County
    Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (PX-2000.7000) and related services within the Service Tree.

    Geography Served

      If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

    • Tennessee
      • Shelby County
      Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (HL-8700) and related services within the Service Tree.

      Geography Served

        If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

      • Tennessee
        • Shelby County
        Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (PX-2000.8500) and related services within the Service Tree.

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