Bethlehem Centers of Nashville - Family Resource Center


1417 Charlotte Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 329-3386


Provides services to youth, seniors, their families, and the surrounding community. Programs include after school care, summer camps, job readiness for youth, seniors club, Meals on Wheels, community outreach, and more.


Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Intake Process:

Call for information

Program Fees:

Many programs are offered at no cost. Call for details.


Eligibility varies by program but generally serves Davidson County; some programs just serve 37203 and 37208 or North Nashville; call or see website for details

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

August 20, 2024


Financial contributions can be mailed directly to Bethlehem Centers or through website. Detailed lists of specific in-kind donations for both After school Programs and Senior Programs are also listed on the website.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Ongoing and holiday volunteer opportunities are available. Call (615) 329-3386 ext. 222 for more information. Not a site for court-ordered community service. Tutoring and Meals on Wheels volunteer opportunities will require a background check.

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

1417 Charlotte Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203


Steve Fleming

Primary Contact

Chief Executive Officer

(615) 329-3386 x230

Denotra Sneed

Seniors Club Manager

(615) 329-3386 x223

Shelly Payne

Family Coach/Family Collective Program

(615) 329-3386 x232

Phone Numbers

Main Number

(615) 329-3386


Serves a daily hot nutritious meal to eligible home-bound individuals and senior citizens


Times of delivery vary

Required Documents

Call for more information


Low-income seniors (ages 55 and older) or disabled individuals who live in zip codes 37203 and 37208


No fee

Intake Procedure

Call to register. If there is no availability, caller can be added to waiting list

Service Area

North Nashville, zip codes 37203 and 37208

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Tennessee
    • Davidson County
      • Nashville
Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (BD-5000.3500) and related services within the Service Tree.


Teen summer employment program for eligible students, ages 14 - 17. Provides job training and readiness opportunities for youth interested in workforce and career development.


Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 3:30 pm *Program typically runs from early June through late July. Call for exact dates.

Required Documents

Call for more information


Students living in Davidson County, who are ages 14-17


No fee

Intake Procedure

Call (615) 329-3386 ext. 230 for more information

Service Area

Davidson County

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Tennessee
    • Davidson County

    Telephone Numbers

    Main Number
    Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (ND-2000.6500-360) and related services within the Service Tree.


    Provides weekly activities for older adults. Activities include, but are not limited to, water aerobics, yoga, computer classes, games, potlucks, and health and wellness workshops. Participants can come three times a week and make their own schedule.


    Hours and days vary. Call for more information.

    Required Documents

    Call for more information


    Seniors, ages 55 and older who live in Davidson County. Priority is given to those living in North Nashville


    No fee

    Intake Procedure

    Call to register

    Service Area

    Davidson County

    Geography Served

      If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

    • Tennessee
      • Davidson County


      Denotra Sneed
      Seniors Club Manager
      615-329-3386 x223

      Telephone Numbers

      Main Number
      Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (TC-5500.8000) and related services within the Service Tree.


      Annual summer enrichment camp for youth in grades K-8th. Activities include, but are not limited to: various field trips, arts and crafts, journaling, reading, and physical fitness. Youth are grouped into K-4th grade and 5th-8th grade.


      Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm during summer months *Summer camps are from early June through late July

      Required Documents

      Call for more information


      Children and youth living in Davidson County who are in grades K-8. Primarily serving zip codes 37203 and 37208 and schools Park Avenue, Moses McKissack Middle School and Pearl-Cohn High School.


      Call for details.

      Intake Procedure

      Complete application online or call for more information

      Service Area

      Davidson County

      Geography Served

        If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

      • Tennessee
        • Davidson County

        Telephone Numbers

        Main Number
        Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (PL-6400.1500-820) and related services within the Service Tree.


        Government funded program that aims to prevent alcohol and drug use among middle school students. Classes are held at various schools and/or Bethlehem Centers of Nashville. Led by a trained BCN youth specialist throughout the school year.


        Hours and dates vary. Call for more information.

        Required Documents

        Call for more information


        5th - 8th graders who reside in North Nashville, zip codes 37203 and 37208


        No fee

        Intake Procedure

        Call to register

        Service Area

        North Nashville, zip codes 37203 and 37208

        Geography Served

          If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

        • Tennessee
          • Davidson County
            • Nashville
        Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (FN-1500.8960) and related services within the Service Tree.


        Structured learning, tutoring, and recreational activities are offered after school hours for children and youth in grades K-10. * K-4th graders are in a separate STARS program from the 5th-10th graders.


        Mon - Fri 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm


        Children and youth living in Davidson County, who are in grades K-10th. 5th-10th graders must be from Park Avenue Enhanced Option School, McKissack Middle School, or Pearl Cohn High School


        No fee

        Intake Procedure

        Find application online or call (615) 329 - 3386 ext. 230 for more information

        Service Area

        Davidson County

        Geography Served

          If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

        • Tennessee
          • Davidson County

          Telephone Numbers

          Main Number
          Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (PS-9800.9900) and related services within the Service Tree.

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