TN Health Care Campaign - Insure All Tennessee


1423 Kensington Square Court
TN Health Care Campaign Office
Murfreesboro, TN 37130

(844) 644-5443


THCC - Tennessee Health Care Campaign;TennCare Enrollment Assistance; ACA Obamacare


Insure All Tennessee is a non-profit insurance agency, whose licensed agents help people enroll in TennCare, CoverKids, and (ACA Affordable Care Act Federal Marketplace, also called ObamaCare). Bilingual staff offer assistance in English and Spanish and uses LanguageLine translation services to help in other languages. If clients do not qualify for these types of insurance, the staff refer them to other community resources. Open Enrollment for plans are from November 15-January 15th, but clients may qualify for Special Enrollment opportunities throughout the year. TennCare and CoverKids enrollment is open year round. Tennesseans can call 844-644-5443 or see the website for information on enrolling in TennCare, Medicare or the ACA (Affordable Care Act or Federal Health Exchange) marketplace.



Intake Process:

Call hotline (844-644-5443), or see website or Facebook page (Tennessee Health Care Campaign) for information

Program Fees:

No Fee


Spanish and Other Language Translation Services


Any TN resident seeking to enroll in health insurance plans or with questions about health insurance issues

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

October 17, 2022

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers needed to act as Health Care Advocates (focus areas include access to health care, health care for veterans, surprise billing issues, preventive health services) and to answer the Hotline or assist with enrollment

Year Incorporated:


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

1423 Kensington Square Court
TN Health Care Campaign Office
Murfreesboro, TN 37130

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