The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Mortuary Services
Programs that provide interment services including preparation of interment space (grave site, crypt or niche) and arrangements for graveside ceremonies (committal services) which are held at the place of interment for individuals who have died. A person's remains may be interred immediately after death (immediate burial) or following formal viewing, visitation and/or a formal ceremony. Included are programs that provide simple and dignified services at little or no cost; programs that provide funding for the burial or cremation of unidentified or unclaimed deceased persons, individuals with no immediate family who die without leaving an ascertainable estate sufficient to pay all or a part of the person's burial expenses, or individuals whose immediate family members are unable to pay for the burial; and programs that provide full cost burial services.
Programs that provide funerals and/or burial services that incorporate environmentally-friendly options at the request of families wanting a green service. Elements of a green funeral/burial may include a small gathering in a natural setting; use of recycled paper products; locally-grown organic flowers; carpooling; organic food; avoidance of embalming or embalming with formaldehyde-free products; use of sustainable biodegradable clothing, shrouds and caskets; and burial, often in a natural setting with flat rocks, plants or trees as grave markers in lieu of traditional standing stones.