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First Broad Street United Methodist Church of Kingsport - Carpenter's Helper Ministry

SERVICES PROVIDED (Kingsport Residents ONLY): Minor home repair (primarily medically needed ramps) Ramps must be medically needed: Waiting list and application Firewood: There is an application that must be filled out Furniture: In person Interview.

Services: Firewood Stockpiling, Furniture, General Minor Home Repair Programs, Ramp Construction Services

100 E Church Circle

Kingsport, TN 37660

(423) 224-1531

Holston Habitat for Humanity

Holston Habitat uses volunteer labor and contributions of money and materials to build and repair homes in partnership with individuals and families with limited income and a housing need.

Services: General Minor Home Repair Programs, Sweat Equity Programs, Volunteer Opportunities

100 Greenwood Lane

Kingsport, TN 37663

(423) 239-7689

Holston Habitat for Humanity - Critical Home Repairs & Accessibility Modifications

Home Repair Applications for Holston Habitat's Home Repair Program will open on Monday, October 23, 2023 and will remain open until the available repair funding is exhausted.

Services: Carpentry Volunteer Opportunities, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, General Minor Home Repair Programs, Handyworker Volunteer Opportunities, Home/Public Building Accessibility Volunteer Opportunities, Home Rehabilitation Services, Rain Gutter Clearance, Ramp Construction Services, Roof Maintenance/Repair, Sweat Equity Programs, Volunteer Opportunities

P.O. Box 5265

Kingsport, TN 37663

(423) 239-7689 x807

Jubilee Project - Sneedville

Project Jubilee provides a variety of services including, minor home repairs, food pantry support groups, well water systems and other Christian based activities.

Services: Christian Study Groups, Cleaning Product Donation Programs, Cleaning Products, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Construction/Home Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities, Diaper Donation Programs, Diapers, Emergency Food, Food Donation Programs, Food Pantries, General Minor Home Repair Programs, Home Rehabilitation Services, Mobile Food Pantry Programs, Personal/Grooming Supplies, Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs, Thanksgiving Baskets, Volunteer Opportunities, Water Well Construction Services

197 North Jockey Street

Sneedville, TN 37869

(423) 733-4195

Mountain T.O.P. - Home Repair

Mountain T.

Services: General Minor Home Repair Programs, General Yard Work, Home Rehabilitation Services, House Painting, Ramp Construction Services

480 Old Highway 56

Coalmont, TN 37313

(931) 692-3999

Of One Accord Ministry - Good Neighbor Home Repair Program

People in need of emergency home repairs should contact our ministry in Rogersville / They will then receive an application / Upon receipt, someone for the ministry will meet them and evaluate their needs / As our resources are limited, we do our best to identify those most in need / The prioritized home repair needs are then matched with the skill set of the team / Multiple avenues are used to pay for each project: The first is homeowner contribution, which is difficult / The second is to use team fees to cover material costs / Sometimes, churches help, sometimes local businesses and often the help comes from the team itself / Many of our teams have fundraisers and take up donations just to help cover the material expenses /

Services: General Minor Home Repair Programs

306 East Main St

Rogersville, TN 37857

(423) 921-8044

Viewing 1-6 of 6 results (listed by best match)
