Christian Mobile Dental Clinic - Memphis CALL FOR SCHEDULE/APPOINTMENT


2000 Appling Road
Bellevue Baptist Church
Cordova, TN 38016

(901) 347-5540


Bellevue Baptist Church


ALTHOUGH THE MOBILE CLINIC IS NOT BACK TO ITS REGULAR SCHEDULE, CALL OR CHECK WEBSITE FOR RE-OPENING SCHEDULE. PATIENTS WILL BE REQUI532 FOR APPOINTMENT.RED TO WEAR MASKS AND TEMPERATURES WILL BE TAKEN BEFORE PROCEDURES. Provides free, basic dental care, including fillings and extractions in a mobile unit to those in critical need who live in Shelby County, TN, and cannot afford to pay. Must live in the zip code where the bus is docked to get an appointment. Check website for current CMDC calendar to see which zip codes the clinic is serving and where and when they will see patients. Does not see anyone who has dental insurance.


Main Clinic Hours: Hours vary Tuesday through Friday on set dates

Intake Process:

Check website calendar to see when the bus will be in your zip code and call to make an appointment at number given on calendar for your zip code. Must live in the zip code where the bus is docking and must provide photo ID and proof of residence at the appointment. Persons can be treated on the dental clinic up to two times per calendar year.

Program Fees:

No Fee


Shelby County, TN, residents in critical need of basic dental care who do not have dental insurance and cannot afford to pay a dentist

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

July 11, 2024


Dental supplies and equipment always welcome; call with details

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

2000 Appling Road
Bellevue Baptist Church
Cordova, TN 38016

Legal Status:

Nonprofit (Incorporated)

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