First Tennessee Human Resource Agency - Alternative Community Corrections Program


704 Rolling Hills Dr
Johnson City, TN 37604

(423) 461-8236


FTHRA First TN Human Resource Agency



The Alternative Community Corrections Programs and services are designed to divert convicted felony offenders from incarceration by providing intensive supervision and structured rehabilitative services in the community. We work with non-violent felony offenders who require intensive intervention and supervision programs to develop the appropriate social skills required to function within the framework of society.


Intensive Supervision: Each offender is placed on a systematic regime of home and employment visits as well as office visits, all of which ensures the offender's compliance with program expectations.

Drug Screening: Each offender is required to obtain and maintain clean drug/alcohol screens throughout the duration of their placement on the program.

A Continuum of On-Site Group Therapy Services: Duration = 12 months

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Program: An intensive 12-step program that focuses on intensive life adjustments and restructuring of moral decision making skills
MRT Relapse Prevention Program: An intensive 10-step program that focuses on the warning signs of drug and alcohol relapse and teaches tools to combat relapse issues.

MRT Support Groups: Graduates of the above programs will attend an open-ended discussion and support group with other graduates in an effort to remain drug and alcohol free and free from re-offending.

Mentor Assistant Program (M.A.P.): In addition to the Support groups, graduates of the MRT program will continue attending current MRT and Relapse groups for the purpose of mentoring those offenders presently going through the program.

Community Service Work Program: Each offender is required, if physically able, to provide on average 240 hours service to the community through a series of established non-profit agencies within the local area.

Pre-Sentence Investigation Reports: Case officers investigate background history of offenders and supply local courts with written reports to enable judges to determine if assignment to ACCP is warranted.

Service Goals: Developing and implementing programs that protect society and meet the varied special needs for felons who are referred to ACCP by the courts.

Referral Sources: Tennessee Board of Probation and Parole, local courts, the District Attorney General's Office, and other community-based correctional agencies.

Funding Sources: Tennessee Department of Corrections. Client Fees.

Intake Process:

Through courts and attorneys.

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Date of Official Change:

July 6, 2022

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

704 Rolling Hills Dr
Johnson City, TN 37604

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