First Tennessee Human Resource Agency - Misdemeanor Probation Program


704 Rolling Hills Dr
Johnson City, TN 37604

(423) 461-8286


FTHRA First TN Human Resource Agency



Misdemeanor Probation Program provides services and supervision for clients sentenced by local General Sessions and Criminal Courts for various misdemeanor offenses.

Programs and services provided by the MPP are designed to divert convicted misdemeanor offenders from incarceration by providing supervision and structured rehabilitative services in the community.


Supervision: Trained case officers supervise offenders to ensure compliance with probation rules and orders from the court.

Monitoring: Client's court costs, fines and restitution to the courts in which they were convicted are monitored by the MPP staff.

Domestic Violence Programs: Designed to provide facilitator-led group education and interaction for clients referred by the court.

Contracted - DUI and Defensive Driving Schools: These schools offer classes necessary under state law for those offenders assigned from the courts.

Pre-Sentence Investigation and Reports: Case officers investigate background history of offenders and supply local courts with written reports to enable judges to determine if probation is warranted.

Referral Sources: General Sessions and Criminal Court Judges, the District Attorney's Office and other Correctional Agencies.

Funding Source: Client fees.

Intake Process:

Through courts and attorneys.

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Date of Official Change:

July 6, 2022

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