Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Downtown Development

Programs that provide for the development, redevelopment and revitalization of the central business districts and adjacent areas in a city. Downtown development involves a range of activities including marketing for both business and tourist attraction, building or improving infrastructure, residential incentives, clean-up initiatives, property redevelopment and reuse, and retention programs. The purpose of these initiatives is to create an attractive environment to increase the number and variety of businesses downtown and bring in shoppers, tourists and new residents.

Neighborhood Revitalization

Programs that seek to improve a neighborhood's physical, economic, and social conditions to enhance the overall quality of life and economic opportunities for neighborhood residents. Neighborhood revitalization includes a range of initiatives that target multiple, but complementary, development goals including business development, infrastructure improvements, workforce training, facade improvements, amenity development and property reuse. Critical to this process is the revitalization of commercial areas because it creates jobs for local residents, provides goods and services to the local market (thereby keeping local dollars in the community) and improves the overall image of the neighborhood by signaling that business can succeed there.

Waterfront Development

Programs that provide for the development of industrial, commercial, recreational and residential properties in urban waterfront locales with the objective of ensuring that the areas are able to support cultural, recreational, social and economic activities that meet the needs of the community. Revitalization efforts may focus on cleaning up contaminated land; removing vacant structures; making infrastructure improvements to enable pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle access; developing park and open spaces; renovating historic buildings, wharves and other waterfront structures while preserving their original flavor; developing harbor/marina facilities; and building hotel complexes, restaurants, movie theaters, shopping centers, residential units and other structures that will make the area attractive to visitors and residents.
