Evergreen Historic District Association - Neighborhood Improvement Group - EMAIL ONLY


PO Box 41375
Memphis, TN 38174-1375





Promotes the historic Evergreen neighborhood by providing activities and seasonal events like home tours and holiday gatherings and publishes a weekly e-newsletter. The Evergreen Historic district is bounded on the east by East Parkway, bounded on the South by Poplar(from East Parkway to Avalon); South on Avalon to Court and West on Court to Stonewall and North on Stonewall to Poplar and West on Poplar to Cleveland, and on the west by Cleveland Street and on the north by North Parkway.


Annual general meetings held in January and August; consult website or email for meeting dates/locations

Intake Process:

Email to sign up for weekly e-newsletter or join association through website; residents and businesses in Evergreen may post events or notices on the newsletter (no political endorsements accepted); deadline for submission to the weekly newsletter is Noon on Wednesdays and should be sent to email address: evergreenhistoric@gmail.com

Program Fees:

Annual Membership Fees: $15.00/Singles and Seniors; $25.00/Families and Businesses; see website for patron and sponsor membership fees


Residents and businesses of Evergreen Historic District of Memphis, TN

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

February 23, 2024

Volunteer Opportunities:

See newsletter or email for current volunteer opportunities

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

PO Box 41375
Memphis, TN 38174-1375

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