Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Land Development Services

Land Development Application Review/Approval

Programs that are responsible for managing all of the steps in the process by which land development applications are reviewed and approved. Steps generally include processing of annexation and incorporation requests; environmental impact report (EIR) analysis and recommendations; zoning request review and approval; preliminary subdivision plat submission and approval; public hearings on the proposed project (generally following submission of the preliminary plat); approval and recording of the final plat; acceptance of the infrastructure improvements by the jurisdiction; and approval of site plans. Some jurisdictions also have separate design and plan/ordinance compliance reviews. Certificates and/or permits may also be issued at various stages in the process.

Land Development Information

Programs that provide information about the development process within a particular jurisdiction including application procedures, development fees and other exactions, public input requirements, approval processes, building permits and inspections, violations and penalties, planning commission and council schedules and copies of development-related documents such as planning documents (general plan and relevant specific/area plans), zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, design standards, and required forms with instructions for completion. Also included is information about the status of particular development projects and specific zoning designations. Exactions are payments made by a developer to local governments for the right to proceed with a project. Exactions include impact fees that cover the cost incurred by government in providing the public facilities to serve the new development (e.g., emergency services, libraries, educational facilities, parks), dedication of public land, construction or maintenance of public infrastructure, or provision of public services.

Land Development Support Services

Programs that provide services which help developers create the maps, reports and other materials required by the land development application process and guide the development project; and/or which help local jurisdictions evaluate development application materials or undertake development projects of their own for the benefit of the public.
