Service Tree

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Perinatal OCD

Taxonomy Code: YF-5000.5385-605

A form of obsessive compulsive disorder related to anxiety that can be experienced in late pregnancy (prenatal OCD) or following delivery of the child (postpartum OCD) known for causing intrusive and unwanted thoughts that are terrifying to the mother experiencing them. Symptoms may include constant worry despite reassurances, dark and disturbing thoughts (e.g., harm coming to the baby), fear of being alone with the baby, obsessive research on ways to relieve anxiety, avoiding potentially harmful things (e.g., knives, stairs, the bathtub), obsessively checking things (locked doors, whether the baby is still breathing), sleep and appetite disturbances, as well as fear that sharing symptoms with others including her doctor might result in the baby being taken away.

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (YF-5000.0500-550)
