American Red Cross - North MS Service Center - Tupelo


(662) 842-6101


American Red Cross of Alabama & Mississippi; North MS Red Cross


Provides assistance to persons in 31 counties in North Mississippi affected by disasters through case management, information and referral and some limited direct assistance (food, shelter, diapers) with DIRECT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE and HOME REBUILDING. Call the national Red Cross number (1-800-733-2767) to apply for this type of disaster assistance. The service center also provides classes on personal disaster planning, damage assessment, mass care and shelter management; accepts donations on behalf of disaster victims both locally and worldwide; relays messages to families of military personnel in case of emergency; and provides health and safety education courses. Volunteers are encouraged to apply online at


Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Intake Process:

Call for assistance

Program Fees:

Fees for classes; call for details


Spanish translators available with prior notice


Residents of Alcorn, Benton, Bolivar, Carroll, Calhoun, Chickasaw, Clay, Coahoma, Grenada, Holmes, Itawamba, Lafayette, Lee, Lowndes, Leflore, Marshall, Monroe, Montgomery, Oktibbeha, Panola, Pontotoc, Prentiss, Quitman, Tallahatchie, Tate, Tippah, Tishomingo, Sunflower, Union, Washington, Webster and Yalobusha counties in Mississippi; or anyone wishing to donate or volunteer.

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

November 7, 2024

Volunteer Opportunities:

Apply online at

Legal Status:

Nonprofit (Incorporated)

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