Watkins College of Art at Belmont


1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212

(615) 460-6770



Watkins is a regionally and nationally accredited nonprofit independent college of the visual arts offering bachelor of fine arts (BFA) degrees in film, fine art, graphic design, illustration, interior design, and photography as well as a BA in art. Graduate programs include two MFA degrees!€”in film and in visual arts. They also offer classes in a broad range of subjects for adults, teachers, and children of all ages through the Community Education program.


Hours vary. Call or visit the website for details.

Intake Process:

For those wishing to earn a graduate or undergraduate degree, complete the online application, submit a portfolio of your work, and pay your fees. Those wishing to enroll in community education classes should complete the online application and pay the required fees. Visit the website for additional requirements.

Program Fees:

Full-time students can expect to pay $31,600 per academic year, which includes tuition, fees, and on-campus housing. Scholarships are available to qualified candidates. The cost of community education classes for children, adults, and teachers varies. Fees are subject to change. Visit the website for details.


Anyone interested in learning more about art and design

Is Shelter?


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212



Primary Contact

(615) 383-4848


Community Education

(615) 244-7456


Phone Numbers


(615) 460-6770


(615) 383-4848


(866) 887-6395

Legal Status:

Nonprofit (Incorporated)


Watkins is a regionally and nationally accredited nonprofit independent college of the visual arts offering bachelor of fine arts (BFA) degrees in film, fine art, graphic design, illustration, interior design, and photography as well as a BA in art. Graduate programs include two MFA degrees—in film and in visual arts. They also offer classes in a broad range of subjects for adults, teachers, and children of all ages through the Community Education program.


Hours vary. Call or visit the website for details.

Required Documents

For BA candidates: completed application, ACT or SAT scores, school transcripts, statement of intent essay, one to three letters of recommendation For community education applicants: completed online application


Anyone interested in learning more about art and design


Full-time students can expect to pay $31,600 per academic year, which includes tuition, fees, and on-campus housing. Scholarships are available to qualified candidates. The cost of community education classes for children, adults, and teachers varies. Fees are subject to change. Visit the website for details.

Intake Procedure

For those wishing to earn a graduate or undergraduate degree, complete the online application, submit a portfolio of your work, and pay your fees. Those wishing to enroll in community education classes should complete the online application and pay the required fees. Visit the website for additional requirements.

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Tennessee

    Telephone Numbers

    Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (PL-7400.0500) and related services within the Service Tree.


    Watkins is a regionally and nationally accredited nonprofit independent college of the visual arts offering bachelor of fine arts (BFA) degrees in film, fine art, graphic design, illustration, interior design, and photography as well as a BA in art. Graduate programs include two MFA degrees—in film and in visual arts. They also offer classes in a broad range of subjects for adults, teachers, and children of all ages through the Community Education program.


    Hours vary. Call or visit the website for details.

    Required Documents

    For BA candidates: completed application, ACT or SAT scores, school transcripts, statement of intent essay, one to three letters of recommendation For community education applicants: completed online application


    Anyone interested in learning more about art and design


    Full-time students can expect to pay $31,600 per academic year, which includes tuition, fees, and on-campus housing. Scholarships are available to qualified candidates. The cost of community education classes for children, adults, and teachers varies. Fees are subject to change. Visit the website for details.

    Intake Procedure

    For those wishing to earn a graduate or undergraduate degree, complete the online application, submit a portfolio of your work, and pay your fees. Those wishing to enroll in community education classes should complete the online application and pay the required fees. Visit the website for additional requirements.

    Geography Served

      If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

    • Tennessee

      Telephone Numbers

      Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (HD-6000.8000) and related services within the Service Tree.

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