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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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W.O.W.S. (Women Offering Women Support)

Provides 6 week sessions sponsored by the City of Memphis, delivered in a workshop setting at various community partner agencies, offering a program that is designed to reduce recidivism in families receiving social services and to reduce delinquency by teaching positive parenting skills using the Nurturing Parenting Curriculum.

Services: Ex-Offender Reentry Programs, Financial Literacy Training, Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling, Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, Parenting Skills Classes

555 Beale Street

Memphis, TN 38105

(901) 636-6825

Salvation Army - Kingsport: New Day Center

HOMELESS DAY CENTER SERVICES PROVIDED: Mail Receipt Laundry Facilities Shower Facilities Restroom Facilities Lunch Snacks Mobile Phone Charging Stations Help Obtaining ID Cards and Birth Certificates Case Management Recovery Counseling Job Search Housing Assistance Peer Recovery Classes Travel to Doctors' Appointments Job Skills Training Financial Literacy Classes A partnership with: KHRA, United Way of Greater Kingsport, and the City of Kingsport.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Counseling, At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Birth Certificate Fee Payment Assistance, Case/Care Management, Drug Use Disorder Counseling, Financial Literacy Training, Homeless Drop In Centers, Homeless Shelter Volunteer Opportunities, Homeless Transportation Programs, Housing Related Coordinated Entry, Identification Application/Replacement Clinics, Job Search/Placement, Laundry Facilities, Meals, Post Disaster Telephone Services, Private Mail Services, Public Restrooms, Public Showers/Baths, Training and Employment Programs, Volunteer Opportunities

505 Dale Street

Salvation Army; Dining Hall Area

Kingsport, TN 37660

(423) 246-6671

Rock the Street, Wall Street

Rock the Street, Wall Street is an innovative financial & investment literacy program designed to bring gender and racial equity to the financial markets and to encourage females in high school to pursue STEM careers in finance.

Services: Financial Literacy Training

101 Westpark Drive Suite 200

Brentwood, TN 37027

(615) 768-9276

Qualla Financial Freedom - VITA Tax Preparation - 2023

Qualla Financial Freedom offers a curriculum for the youth of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians that provides financial education resources.

Services: Financial Literacy Training, VITA Programs

876 Acquoni Rd.

Cherokee, NC 28719

(828) 554-6937

Project Connect Nashville

The agency helps individuals and families break cycles of poverty through assistance finding low income housing, case management, and long term education programs.

Services: Disaster Relief Services, Financial Literacy Training, Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing

107 Woodruff Street

Madison, TN 37115

(615) 750-2802

Millington Crisis Center Ministry - Emergency Assistance for 38053 ONLY

Provide referrals to resources and financial assistance when funding is available for rent, mortgage, and utility once a year because of an unexpected verifiable crisis for RESIDENTS OF ZIP CODE 38053 ONLY.

Services: Baby Clothing, Diapers, Financial Literacy Training, General Clothing Provision, Incontinence Supplies, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

8133 Wilkinsville Road

Millington, TN 38053

(901) 872-4357

Manhood University


Services: Conflict Resolution Training, Ex-Offender Reentry Programs, Financial Literacy Training, Job Finding Assistance, Job Interview Training, Resume Preparation Assistance

555 Beale Street

Memphis, TN 38103

(901) 636-6825

Greater Memphis Financial Empowerment Center

Provides free, unbiased and confidential one-on-one financial counseling for all Shelby County residents, regardless of income.

Services: Credit Counseling, Debt Management, Financial Literacy Training

1355 Lynnfield Street, Bldg B, Suite 101

Memphis, TN 38119

(901) 390-4200

Christopher A Pugh, II Center - POWER Financial Literacy Program

Offers a variety of programs to unlock the potential of males facing systemic and economic barriers.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Counseling Approaches, Financial Literacy Training, Investment Counseling, New Dad Parenting Programs, Parenting Skills Classes, Personal Financial Counseling

757 Walnut Knoll Lane

Cordova, TN 38018

(901) 590-3868

Christian Community Services

CCSI is a THDA-approved homebuyer educator that provides homebuyer education, financial counseling and mentoring, and individual development accounts.

Services: Financial Literacy Training, Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling, Mentoring Programs

601 Benton Avenue, Suite B

Nashville, TN 37204

(615) 297-4024

Viewing 1-10 of 11 results (listed alphabetically Z - A)
