
Viewing 1-10 of 83 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)

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Agricenter International

Agricenter International is a non-profit 1000 acre farm dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of agriculture.

Services: Campgrounds, Conference/Convention Facilities, Cornfield Mazes, Farmers Markets, Fishing, Meeting Space, Trade Shows, U-Pick Programs

7777 Walnut Grove Road Box 9

Memphis, TN 38120

(901) 757-7777

Bartlett Station Farmer's Market

Provides a farmer's market every Saturday from 8:00 am - Noon in Freeman Park in Bartlett from Mid May to the end of September.

Services: Farmers Markets

2629 Bartlett Boulevard

Bartlett, TN 38134

(901) 372-9457

Beekeepers Association - Memphis Area

Promotes beekeeping and educates members about new and existing techniques in an effort to improve understanding of honey bee entomology.

Services: Bee Control, Beekeeping Support Services, Occupational/Professional Associations

PO Box 38028

Germantown, TN 38183

Collierville Farmers Market

Provides a seasonal weekly farmer's market on Thursdays from 8:00 am - Noon in the very back parking lot at 454 West Poplar Avenue at the Collierville United Methodist Church.

Services: Farmers Markets

454 W Poplar Ave

Collierville, TN 38017

Cooper-Young Community Farmers Market

Farmer's Market HOURS: Sat 8:00 am - 1:00 pm (Spring & Summer Hours April - September); Winter Hours November through March: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.

Services: Farmers Markets, Markets/Restaurants Accepting EBT Cards

1000 S Cooper Street

Memphis, TN 38104


Cul2vate is a faith-based non-profit farm serving Davidson and Williamson counties.

Services: Community Gardening, Crop Farms/Orchards, On the Job Training

440 Hogan Road

Nashville, TN 37220

(615) 454-7431

Friends of Edmondson Homesite Park & Gardens

The Friends of Edmondson Homesite Park & Garden is a non-profit organization that works to raise awareness of Edgehill as a nationally-important historic black neighborhood and seeks to raise awareness of the life of William Edmondson (1874-1951) as an historic Black Nashville artist.

Services: Botanical Gardens/Arboreta, Community Gardening, Ethnic/Cultural Festivals, Historic Districts/Sites, Parks/Recreation Areas

1450 14th Avenue South

Nashville, TN 37212

(615) 943-8716

Hancock County Extension Agents

Provides resources and information about family, agriculture, 4-H Clubs, and homecare.

Services: Agricultural Stabilization/Conservation, College/University Extension Programs, Community Supported Agriculture, Dairy Indemnity Programs, Economic Self Sufficiency Programs, Federal Agriculture and Natural Resources ESF, Food Production Economics, Health Education, Home Management Instruction, Information and Referral, Nutrition Education, Sustainable Agriculture Programs, Youth Agricultural Programs

122 Campbell Dr

Suite C

Sneedville, TN 37869

(423) 733-2526

Hernando, MS Farmers Market

Provides farmers market at Hernando Courthouse Square (in front of courthouse at 2535 Hwy 51 S) Sat 8:00 am - 1:00 pm from last week in May until the end of October except for A'Fair (May) and Water Tower Festival in September.

Services: Farmers Markets, Markets/Restaurants Accepting EBT Cards, Nutrition Related Public Assistance Programs

2535 Highway 51 South

Hernando, MS 38632

(662) 429-9092 x103

Highland Area Renewal Corporation

Provides a community non-profit organization that focuses on improving the quality of life in the neighborhood bordering on Highland Street in zip codes 38111 and 38122 in the University of Memphis area from I-240 on the south to Macon Road in the north; east boundary is Getwell and west is East Parkway.

Services: Community Gardening, Neighborhood Improvement Groups

561 S Prescott Street Room 215

Buntyn Presbyterian Church

Memphis, TN 38111

(901) 428-4633

Viewing 1-10 of 83 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)
