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Aging Commission of the Mid-South - CHOICES - Statewide Waiver Program

Provides an alternative to nursing home admission for adults who meet financial and medical eligibility for Medicaid Long-Term Care.

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Area Agencies on Aging, Homemaker Assistance, Ramp Construction Services, State Medicaid Waiver Programs

160 N Main Street 3rd Floor

Memphis, TN 38103

(901) 222-4111

Apple Independence Mobility - Mobility Aids

Provides vehicle modifications, such as, seating, hand controls, wheelchair lifts, and full van conversions.

Services: Mobility Aids, Ramp Construction Services, Vehicle Adaptation Services

1750 Lee Seminary Road

Cookeville, TN 38506

(931) 528-5788

First Broad Street United Methodist Church of Kingsport - Carpenter's Helper Ministry

SERVICES PROVIDED (Kingsport Residents ONLY): Minor home repair (primarily medically needed ramps) Ramps must be medically needed: Waiting list and application Firewood: There is an application that must be filled out Furniture: In person Interview.

Services: Firewood Stockpiling, Furniture, General Minor Home Repair Programs, Ramp Construction Services

100 E Church Circle

Kingsport, TN 37660

(423) 224-1531

Holston Habitat for Humanity - Critical Home Repairs & Accessibility Modifications

Home Repair Applications for Holston Habitat's Home Repair Program will open on Monday, October 23, 2023 and will remain open until the available repair funding is exhausted.

Services: Carpentry Volunteer Opportunities, Furnace Maintenance/Repair, General Minor Home Repair Programs, Handyworker Volunteer Opportunities, Home/Public Building Accessibility Volunteer Opportunities, Home Rehabilitation Services, Rain Gutter Clearance, Ramp Construction Services, Roof Maintenance/Repair, Sweat Equity Programs, Volunteer Opportunities

P.O. Box 5265

Kingsport, TN 37663

(423) 239-7689 x807

Knoxville Leadership Foundation - Operation Backyard Home Repair Program

Provides free minor home repair services for homeowners in Knox County such as: exterior painting, roof replacements (designed primarily for low income renters) and accessibility repairs (ramps or railings, etc).

Services: Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services, Home Rehabilitation Programs, Ramp Construction Services

318 N Gay Street

Suite 210

Knoxville, TN 37917

(865) 524-2774

Mountain T.O.P. - Home Repair

Provides Major and minor home repairs, including but not limited to: yard work, painting, porches, sheds, wheelchair ramps, room additions, and handicap accessibility repairs.

Services: General Minor Home Repair Programs, General Yard Work, Home Rehabilitation Services, House Painting, Ramp Construction Services

480 Old Highway 56

Coalmont, TN 37313

(931) 692-3999

Rebuilding Together Nashville

Through the agency's core program, the Safe and Healthy Home Improvement Program (SHHIP), RTN addresses critical health and safety hazards present in the homes of low-income older adults, Veterans, and those living with disabilities.

Services: Energy/Water Conservation Improvements, Home Rehabilitation Programs, Ramp Construction Services, Volunteer Opportunities

6101 Centennial Boulevard

Nashville, TN 37209

(615) 297-3955

Reelfoot Rural Ministries - Home Repair & Accessibility Improvement for Low Income Homeowners

Provides home repairs such as painting, roofing, porch patching and construction of wheelchair ramps or other accessibility improvements at no cost to low income home owners, especially elderly or disabled people living in Dyer, Lake, or Obion County, TN, or Fulton County or Hickman County, KY.

Services: Home Improvement/Accessibility, Home Rehabilitation Services, House Painting, Ramp Construction Services, Roof Maintenance/Repair

6923 Minnick-Elbridge Road

Obion, TN 38240

(731) 538-9970

Shelby County Dept of Housing - Housing Rehabilitation Program (2025 Shelby County Residents)

Provides grants to qualified homeowners for home repairs to help make their homes lead safe and meet local building codes.

Services: Bathroom Modification Services, Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services, Home Rehabilitation Services, Public Health Inspection/Remediation Expense Assistance, Ramp Construction Services

1075 Mullins Station Road Suite 131

First Floor, West Side of Bldg

Memphis, TN 38134

(901) 222-7600

United Cerebral Palsy of Middle TN

Provides services targeted to advance independent living, development or maintenance of abilities, and greater accessibility for people of all ages with a variety of disabilities, with primary focus on physical and developmental disabilities.

Services: Christmas Baskets, Disability Related Sports, Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services, Medical Equipment/Assistive Technology Donation Programs, Medical Equipment/Supplies, Medical Expense Assistance, Ramp Construction Services, Scholarships, Toileting Aids

1200 9th Avenue North

Suite 110

Nashville, TN 37208

(615) 242-4091

Viewing 1-10 of 10 results (listed by best match)
