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Viewing 1-10 of 28 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)



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Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing wishlist items. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

Service Codes

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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List by location: This button orders the search results by their ZIP codes, from near to far. You may also reverse the order (far to near) by clicking the button twice.

Advance Memphis - Work Life Program

Provides a faith-based 5 week job training program (Work Life) focused on residents of zip codes 38106 and 38126.

Services: Adult Literacy Programs, Computer Literacy Training Programs, Employment Preparation, Literacy Volunteer Opportunities, Personal Financial Counseling

769 Vance Avenue

Memphis, TN 38126

(901) 543-8525

Agape Child and Family Services - Memphis - Thrive by Five - Early Childhood Language Development

Provides an early childhood program to strengthen families with young children under the age of five by promoting brain and language development leading to kindergarten readiness.

Services: Early Childhood Education, Early Literacy Development Programs, School Readiness Programs

3160 Directors Row

Memphis, TN 38131

(901) 323-3600 x242

Arkansas State University Mid-South - Adult Education Dept - Adult Ed, ESL & GED Classes

ASU Mid-South community college provides adult basic education and literacy, workforce readiness prep, GED and ESL classes and testing for adult and teen residents of Arkansas residents.

Services: Adult Basic Education, Adult Literacy Programs, Community Colleges, English as a Second Language, Tutoring Volunteer Opportunities

2000 W Broadway Avenue

ASU West Memphis Campus

West Memphis, AR 72301

(870) 733-6871

Casa de la Cultura Latino Americana

Provides adult literacy classes in Spanish, Spanish HiSet (GED) preparation classes and English and Spanish language classes for Latino adults in the Nashville Area.

Services: Adult Literacy Programs, Citizenship Test Preparation, English as a Second Language, Language Instruction

5252 Hickory Hollow Parkway

Suite 291

Antioch, TN 37013

(615) 669-1785

East Nashville Hope Exchange

Provides services of strengthening literacy of at-risk children in East Nashville.

Services: Education Volunteer Opportunities, Youth Literacy Programs

419 Woodland Street

Nashville, TN 37206

(615) 254-3534

Fayette Literacy

Provides literacy related programs in Fayette County, including computer classes for adults, High School Equivalency diploma instruction and adult basic education to improve reading skills and offer basic computer skills; non-profit also supports special programs for children like the Fayette County Imagination Library which promotes early literacy.

Services: Adult Basic Education, Adult Literacy Programs, Computer Literacy Training Programs, Youth Literacy Programs

214 Lakeview Rd

Somerville, TN 38068

(901) 465-5595

First Book

Accepts donations of books and cash to buy discounted books that are distributed through existing agencies to low-income children.

Services: Book Distribution Programs, Book/Magazine Donation Programs, Early Literacy Development Programs

1319 F Street, NW Suite 901

Washington, DC 20004

(202) 393-1222

Friends of Literacy - Literacy Programs

****DUE TO COVID-19, WORKERS WITH THE CHILDREN ARE ENCOURAGED TO WEAR MASKS**** Friends of Literacy is the single comprehensive resource for adult, child, and family literacy in the East Tennessee area.

Services: Advocacy, COVID-19 Control, Family Literacy Programs, Literacy Volunteer Opportunities

4630 Holston Dr.

Knoxville, TN 37914

(865) 549-7007

Knoxville Area Urban League - Read and Rise

Read and Rise is a literacy initiative designed to ensure that children have the necessary early literacy and pre-reading skills to prepare them to do well in school and meet the challenges of the 21st Century.

Services: Early Literacy Development Programs

901 N. Broadway

Knoxville, TN 37917

(865) 524-5511

Lenoir City Schools Family Resource Center - Parents as Children's Teachers - PACT

PACT is a parental involvement program offered to parents and their pre-school and kindergarten children.

Services: Early Literacy Development Programs

203 Kelley Lane

Lenoir City, TN 37771

(865) 986-0518

Viewing 1-10 of 28 results (listed by best match)
