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Aging Commission of the Mid-South - CHOICES - Statewide Waiver Program

Provides an alternative to nursing home admission for adults who meet financial and medical eligibility for Medicaid Long-Term Care.

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Area Agencies on Aging, Homemaker Assistance, Ramp Construction Services, State Medicaid Waiver Programs

160 N Main Street 3rd Floor

Memphis, TN 38103

(901) 222-4111

Albert Ross Tharpe Services

Provides homemaker services, in home respite care, volunteer friendly visits and home health aide services.

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Friendly Visiting, Home Health Aide Services, Homemaker Assistance

105 Fentress Street

Paris, TN 38242

(731) 644-3344

Benton County Senior Citizens Center

Provides a variety of activities and services for adults ages 55 and older.

Services: Arts and Crafts Instruction, Friendly Visiting, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Intergenerational Programs, Telephone Reassurance

119 Cole Avenue

Camden, TN 38320

(731) 584-3627

East Arkansas Area Agency on Aging - Jonesboro Office - Senior Services

Agency on aging provides senior case management that includes assistance in filling out applications and in applying for Medicaid or Medicare, food stamps (SNAP), tax exemptions, and advice on home-delivered meals, energy assistance and weatherization programs, prescription drug assistance programs, Social Security benefits, and other senior assistance programs in a 12-county area of northeastern Arkansas.

Services: Area Agencies on Aging, Benefits and Services Assistance, Foster Grandparent Program, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach, Personal Alarm Systems, Personal Care, Senior Housing Information and Referral

2005 E Highland Drive

Jonesboro, AR 72401

(800) 467-3278

East TN Human Resource Agency (ETHRA) - Anderson County Homemaker Services

In-home housekeeping for frail, isolated, homebound seniors unable to complete tasks for themselves.

Services: Homemaker Assistance

96 Mariner Point

Clinton, TN 37716

(865) 457-3259

East TN Human Resource Agency - Knox County - Adult Protective Services - Homemaker Services

Purpose is to stabilize and maintain families in their own home.

Services: Homemaker Assistance

9111 Cross Park Drive

Suite D-100

Knoxville, TN 37923

(865) 691-2551

FTAAAD - First Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability

FTAAAD's mission is to assist older Tennesseans and adults with disabilities in Northeast Tennessee with information and services that promote quality of life and independence.

Services: Area Agencies on Aging, Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Information and Referral, In Home Meal Preparation, Legal Services, Medicare Information/Counseling, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Respite Care, State/Local Health Insurance Information/Counseling, Volunteer Opportunities

3211 N Roan St

Johnson City, TN 37601

(423) 928-3258

Gordonsville Office - Family Support

The Family Support Program offers respite and sitter services, specialized equipment, minor home and vehicle modifications, homemaker assistance, nursing services, and other services

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Daily Living Aids, Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services, Home Health Care, Homemaker Assistance, Mobility Aids

263 JMZ Dr

Gordonsville, TN 38563

(615) 638-6707

Greater Nashville Regional Council - Area Agency on Aging & Disability

The Greater Nashville Regional Council serves as Middle Tennessee's Area Agency on Aging & Disability, one of nine regional agencies statewide whose mission it is to plan programs and services and advocate for the older population and adults with disabilities.

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Aging and Disability Resource Centers, Area Agencies on Aging, Assistive Technology Expense Assistance, Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Elder Law, Family Caregiver Subsidies, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, In Home Assistance, Medicare Fraud Reporting, Medicare Information/Counseling, Personal Alarm Systems, Personal Care, State/Local Health Insurance Programs, State Medicaid Waiver Programs, Telephone Reassurance, Volunteer Opportunities

44 Vantage Way

Suite 450

Nashville, TN 37228

(866) 836-6678

Griswold Special Care - Hendersonville Office - Home Care for Non-Medical

Programs that offer the services of trained homemakers who go into the homes of families whose routines have been disrupted by long or short-term illness, disability or other problems, and assume responsibility for routine household activities including menu planning, budgeting, shopping, child care, meal preparation and general household management including light housekeeping.

Services: Homemaker Assistance

170-D E Main Street

Suite 185

Hendersonville, TN 37075

(615) 338-5155

Viewing 1-10 of 49 results (listed by best match)
