The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide official copies of student academic records; or which evaluate the educational records of foreign students for educational equivalency.
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Programs that issue licenses that provide written authorization for bars, restaurants and other similar establishments to serve alcoholic beverages to the public. Also included are programs that issue special occasion permits for events held in public places where alcohol is to be sold or served, such as weddings, fundraisers and receptions.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide copies of birth certificates, i.e., documents which certify the date and place of a person's birth as well as his/her parentage. Available in most jurisdictions are authorized copies which are required to obtain a driver’s license, passport, Social Security card and other services related to an individual’s identity; and informational copies which cannot be used to establish a person’s identity. Only individuals designated by law have access to authorized copies of a person's birth certificate.
Programs that issue documents which certify that boats, ships and sailing vessels meet legal and safety requirements and are authorized to be moored in harbors and marinas and used in public waters.
Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for community residents to install alarm systems or other warning devices on their residential or commercial property. Permits are generally required for all alarms which signal a hazard requiring urgent attention to which the police are expected to respond.
Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for bona fide charitable agencies, civic organizations, volunteer groups, fraternal and veteran's groups, senior citizen organizations or other legally-approved organizations to operate bingo games or other small games of chance as a fundraising activity.
Programs that grant official property rights to authors or originators of certain literary or artistic productions which give them exclusive rights for a limited period of time to the duplication and sale of copyrighted materials.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to official documentation of trial proceedings, exhibits and orders, word-for-word testimony, verdicts and judgments in specific actions or suits.
Programs that issue, maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to or copies of documents that relate to an individual's death.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to or copies of the official document that dissolves a marriage relationship between two people.
Document Deposit/Online Storage Services
Offices that provide storage facilities which allow individuals who do not have a safety deposit box to place Wills, power of attorney documents, insurance papers, marriage and divorce certificates, military discharge papers and other important documents in safekeeping. Included are wills for safekeeping programs that provide a depository specifically for a person's original Will. Wills deposited in this manner remain on file until withdrawn by the individual who wrote the will or for purposes of probate. Wills in safekeeping status are not public records. Also included are organizations that maintain secure servers on which an unlimited number of important documents can be stored and accessed at any time from anywhere.
Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for an individual to operate a motor vehicle on public roads and highways following successful completion of a written and/or driving examination and a vision test. These programs also renew driver licenses that are about to expire, replace driver licenses that are lost or stolen, and process name and address changes.
Programs that establish facilities where people can come to take their written driver's examination and/or road test. Some sites may be limited to a particular type of test, e.g., a weighing station that provides testing for commercial drivers. Included are both the sites where examinations are conducted and the organizations that oversee them.
Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for individuals to purchase rifles, automatic revolvers, shotguns and other portable firearms. Included are programs that license the use of firearms for hunting and other recreational purposes as well as for personal protection.
Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for individuals or groups to sell, purchase and/or set off fireworks.
Programs that issue permits that provide written authorization for individuals to take fish from public waters during approved fishing seasons.
Programs that offer permits which authorize the holder to work in the kitchens of food establishments such as restaurants and cafeterias preparing and serving food.
Freedom of Information Requests
Programs that accept and act upon requests from the public for access to government records (or other government information) that falls within the scope of federal, state or local statutes which require the disclosure of government records upon receipt of a written request. Some public records, such as court records, are explicitly exempted in the legislation.
Programs that issue permits that provide written authorization for individuals to pursue, shoot, kill, capture, trap, snare or net game birds, game fowl or game animals during approved hunting seasons. Included are licenses for archery hunting using a bow and arrow; hunting with muzzle loading firearms, rifles, shotguns or handguns; crossbow hunting (which may be illegal in some jurisdictions); and trapping game using traps, deadfalls or other devices. Hunting license requirements vary from state to state and may include provisions for completion of hunting/trapping safety courses.
Programs that issue documentation that is designed to prove the identity of the person carrying it.
Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers
Tax processing numbers issued in the United States by the Internal Revenue Service to certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who are unable to get a Social Security Number (SSN). Applicants must complete and submit a Form W-7 with required documentation substantiating foreign/alien status and the individual's true identity. Applicants may either mail the documentation, along with the Form W-7, to the closest IRS Service Center, present it at an IRS walk-in office, or process the application through an Acceptance Agent authorized by the IRS. Applicants not currently in the U.S. can apply from abroad.
Registries established by cities, towns, townships and other municipalities which contain the current residential addresses of nonresident owners of rental property located within their jurisdiction. The registries are generally established by law and provide a way to identify and contact landlords when there are problems with rental property. Rental property owners (or their agents) are required to maintain their address on file whether the property is occupied or vacant and must inform the municipality if there is a change in their residential address.
Programs that maintain for use by the public, real estate maps which show the owner, the assessed value and the legal description of the property.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to records and/or files kept by federal, state or local police agencies, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the courts or other agencies that relate to the investigation of individuals or organizations suspected of criminal activity; the commission and reporting of crimes; the arrest of criminal suspects; the indictment, conviction and sentencing of criminal offenders; and/or the confinement, probation/parole and release of offenders.
Programs that maintain copies of the instrument which certifies that a marriage between two people has taken place. The marriage certificate is executed by the individual officiating at the marriage and serves as evidence of the marriage.
Programs that issue permits, which are usually addressed to the minister or magistrate who is going to perform the ceremony, that provide written authorization for two people to marry. Also included are programs that maintain copies of marriage licenses and make copies available upon request.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to the cumulative history of a person's interaction with the health care system such as the occasions on which they have been examined, evaluated or treated for an ailment. Included are medical history records, a longitudinal record of what has happened to a patient since birth including diseases, major and minor illnesses and growth history which can give a clinician a feel for what has happened before to a new patient; inpatient care medical records (hospital records) which generally include admission notes, on-service notes, progress notes, preoperative notes, operative notes, postoperative notes, procedure notes and discharge notes; and a patient's case history with a particular health care provider which usually includes information gained by a physician by asking specific questions, with the aim of obtaining information useful in formulating a diagnosis and providing medical care to the patient. The medically relevant complaints reported by the patient are referred to as symptoms, in contrast with clinical signs, which are ascertained by direct examination by medical personnel. In addition are electronic health records (or EHRs), a systematized collection of a patient's electronically stored health information in a digital format. EHRs may include a range of data including demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal statistics like age and weight, and billing information. EHR systems are designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time. It eliminates the need to track down a patient's previous paper medical records and assists in ensuring data is up-to-date, accurate and legible. It also allows open communication between the patient and the provider, while providing privacy and security.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide copies of documents which relate to an individual's association with any of the branches of the armed forces including the person’s current active military status and discharge, if appropriate. Also included are programs that are responsible for investigating and correcting errors in the records of individuals who have served in the armed forces.
Programs that issue license plates for automobiles and other motor vehicles as evidence that the vehicles have been registered with the proper authorities and are authorized to be parked or driven on public roads and highways.
Notary Signature Registration/Validation
Programs that maintain records of the signatures of authorized Notary Public officials and/or which validate that a notary's signature on a document is authentic.
Programs that issue special decals or other official devices that authorize the bearer to park his or her vehicle in specified restricted areas. Included are parking stickers for people who have disabilities; overnight, weekend or special events parking passes; and other similar permits.
Public sector offices known as passport acceptance facilities that have been authorized by the U.S. Department of State to accept and verify the documents, applicant signatures and identity for passport applications; place all of the documents and required photos into a specially sealed, tamperproof envelope that may only be opened by State Department officials; and forward them for processing. This is required for ALL passport applicants for a new adult passport, child (minor) passport, or lost, stolen or damaged passport applications. Most passport acceptance facilities are found in local post offices, county clerk's offices and some library locations. Passports are official documents which identify citizens, serve as written authorization from government authorities for citizens to travel abroad and, in effect, request foreign powers to allow bearers to enter and pass freely and safely. U.S. passports can be renewed by mail provided that the old passport was issued within the last 15 years, that the individual was age 16 or older at the time, and that, if applicable, proof of name change is provided. The old valid passport, a color passport photo, a completed DS-82 form and a check or money order for the fee must be submitted.
Programs that grant official property rights to inventors which give them the exclusive privilege of making, using and selling their invention for a term of years.
Proclamations/Proclamation Dates
Government offices or other organizations that issue and/or maintain records of formal public announcements regarding government appointments; signed legislation; public holidays; commemorations; designations of special days, weeks or months where significant issues/events are recognized (e.g., Black History Month); or other official acts by government. Proclamations announce the nature of each event and the date on which it becomes effective.
Public records generally filed with a county records office (for real property) or with a state agency such as the secretary of state (for cars, boats, office equipment and the like) indicating a notice has been attached to the property stating that a creditor claims the owner of the property owes them money. In order to sell or refinance property with any type of lien, the owner must pay the creditor what is owed in order to clear title. There are several types of lien records including judgment liens, property tax liens, federal tax liens, child support liens, mechanic's liens (also called materialman's liens) and family law real property liens.
Programs that provide Social Security cards for people who need to register for employment, report their taxes and track their Social Security benefits. Also included are programs that replace Social Security cards when they are lost or stolen.
Programs that issue permits which authorize people and/or institutions to keep protected animals (including carrier or homing pigeons, doves, poultry and other livestock, captive-bred ducks, geese, swans and other animals indigenous to North America or exotic animals from elsewhere) on their property as pets, for rehabilitation pending release to the wild, or for research or business purposes. Included are falcon permits which allow an individual to possess raptors for the sport of falconry, salvage permits which allow an individual to pick up dead birds/feathers or other animals, sale and disposal permits which allow an individual to sell protected birds and animals, and taxidermy permits which allow an individual to preserve and mount protected birds and animals for persons other than themselves. Also included are livestock permits which allow people to keep domestic livestock including equines, bovines, sheep, goats and llamas; multiple animal permits which allow people to keep more than a specified number of dogs, cats or other listed species; litter permits which authorize the whelping of a specified number of litters per female dog or cat; cat colony permits which allow people to become authorized caretakers for groups of feral cats; and permits that operators of a circus, rodeo, animal exhibit, or other similar entertainment must obtain before they are authorized to bring designated species of animals into a city.
Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for construction and property development, signs, street vendors, street performers, sidewalk cafes, sidewalk displays, carriage rides, parades and other special events, and other activities that involve the use of streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property for private purposes.
Programs that register, maintain and, where appropriate, provide certified copies of judgments, decrees or orders issued by the court for the support and maintenance of a child or spouse including a child who has attained the age of majority under the law of the issuing jurisdiction or that of the parent with whom the child is living. Support orders can incorporate the provision of monetary support, health care, payment of court costs and arrears, or reimbursement of court costs and legal fees, interest and penalties, and other forms of relief.
Programs that issue, transfer, maintain on file and, where appropriate, provide access to the official document that transfers ownership of property of any kind from one individual to another or which otherwise provides evidence of the individual's entitlement to the property.
Programs that grant official property rights to manufacturers, merchants or other trades people who have adopted distinctive marks, mottos, devices or emblems which uniquely identify their commodities and distinguish them from those manufactured or sold by others.