The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Health/Disabilities Related Volunteer Opportunities
Dental Care Volunteer Opportunities
Organizations that are actively seeking dental hygienists, dentists, endodontists, orthodontists, oral surgeons or other licensed dental specialists who are willing to contribute their services on a voluntary basis without remuneration.
Equestrian Therapy Volunteer Opportunities
Organizations that are actively seeking individuals who are willing to assist youth and adults with disabilities in therapeutic horseback riding programs on a voluntary basis without remuneration. Volunteers lead the horses or walk beside horse and rider to provide emotional support and ensure client safety.
Hospice Care Volunteer Opportunities
Hospice programs that are actively seeking individuals who are willing, on a voluntary basis without remuneration, to serve as nurse's aides and provide companionship and support for adults and children who are in the final stages of terminal illnesses (and for their families).
Hospital/Institutional Visit Volunteer Opportunities
Organizations that are actively seeking individuals who are willing to call on people who are hospitalized or in another institutional setting with the objective of brightening their day and helping them to maintain contact with the outside world by reading, talking, listening, writing letters or performing other similar tasks.
Medical Care Volunteer Opportunities
Organizations that are actively seeking licensed physicians who are willing to contribute their services on a voluntary basis without remuneration.
Nursing Care Volunteer Opportunities
Organizations that are actively seeking licensed nurses who are willing to contribute their services on a voluntary basis without remuneration.
Patient Support Volunteer Opportunities
Hospitals and other health facilities that are actively seeking individuals who are willing to serve as nurses' aides on a voluntary basis without remuneration, deliver meals to patients, feed patients who need assistance, help patients in wheelchairs move from one part of the facility to another and provide other similar forms of support.
Pregnancy Related Volunteer Opportunities
Family planning programs, maternity homes, hospitals, birthing centers and other organizations that are actively seeking individuals with the requisite skills and experience who are willing to work, on a voluntary basis without remuneration, with individuals who are at risk for an unplanned pregnancy, are pregnant and considering their options, are pregnant for the first time or are having a difficult pregnancy and need emotional support, encouragement and practical advice. Volunteers may be asked to work on pregnancy prevention projects, provide pregnancy counseling services or other forms of support for young individuals who are pregnant or are at risk for pregnancy, or share their own experiences regarding pregnancy and childbirth with individuals who are pregnant for the first time or experiencing difficulties.
Respite/Home Health Care Volunteer Opportunities
Organizations that are actively seeking individuals with the requisite skills and experience who are willing, on a voluntary basis without remuneration, to serve as home health aides or substitute caregivers who provide temporary or intermittent care for dependent adults or children in their own homes in order to provide a brief period of rest or relief for parents, family members, guardians or others who are their regular caregivers.