Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Student Services and Campus Life

Related services

Guidance and Counseling

College/University Admissions

Administrative offices, usually in postsecondary educational institutions, that are responsible for the recruitment, selection and admission of students and which provide information about admissions criteria and application procedures.

Elementary/Secondary School Registration Offices

Centralized offices where students new to a school district are registered to attend school. The offices may also handle interdistrict and intradistrict transfers and other related services.

School Supplies

Programs that pay for or provide textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, calculators, book bags and other essential educational supplies required for classes at the elementary/secondary level or at a college or university.

Student Counseling Services

Programs, usually within the formal education system at elementary, secondary and post-secondary levels, that provide information and guidance on an individual or group basis for students, including students with disabilities, who are experiencing personal, interpersonal or family problems such as substance abuse, loss of a family member or friend, divorce of a parent, personal and sexual relationships issues, dealing with bullies; or problems that arise as a part of school or university life such as test-taking anxiety, fear of oral examinations or participating in classroom discussions, tension or inexpressiveness in difficult interviews or procrastination in studying.

Student Disability Services

Programs that provide special assistance and accommodations that support the ability of students with visual, hearing, physical, emotional, learning or other disabilities to achieve their academic goals and participate in, contribute to and benefit from the institution's programs, services and activities.

Student Health Programs

Programs, primarily within the formal education system, that provide basic health services for school age youth. Services usually include general physical examinations, treatment for minor illnesses and injuries, administration of prescription medication and health screening. Services for students with special health needs may include special feedings, clean intermittent catherization, suctioning, administering medication, and planning for the safety of a student in school. Some programs may provide sexuality education and related services including personal relationship counseling, pregnancy testing, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and birth control counseling. Included are health clinics on college/university campuses, health offices in elementary and secondary level schools as well as student health centers in elementary and secondary schools that are operated as a partnership between the school and a community health organization such as a community health center, hospital, or local health department.

Student Organizations

Student activity and co-curricular programs that provide opportunities for participants to explore interests, develop abilities and utilize talents in working with other students and staff.

Student Transportation Services

Programs, usually within the formal education system, that operate school buses which transport students to and from school. Also included are programs that issue vouchers that enable students to use other means of transportation to and from school or which reimburse parents in situations where their children are not served by the school transportation system.
