Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Ballet Instruction

Programs that provide classes or individual lessons for people who want to learn or perfect their skills in ballet, a dance form which combines conventionalized poses and steps with leaps, turns and other flowing movements. Instruction generally focuses on the basic positions and includes bar, center work and movements across the floor.

Ballroom Dancing Instruction

Programs that provide classes or individual lessons for people who want to learn or perfect their skills in the fox trot, waltz, rumba, samba, cha-cha, tango, two-step and other traditional social dances of this form. Included is instruction in round dancing, i.e., choreographed ballroom dancing with all couples dancing the same figures around the floor at the same time. Routines have been choreographed for specific pieces of music and are danced whenever that music is played regardless of where that occurs. A "cuer" is used to call out the name of each figure in the routine just before it is to be executed so dancers do not need to memorize the patterns involved in different routines.

Country Line Dancing Instruction

Programs that provide classes or individual lessons for people who want to learn or perfect their skills in country line dancing, a contemporary style of dance in which participants form a line and do a set series of steps to country music. Partners are not required.

Folk/Ethnic Dancing Instruction

Programs that provide classes or individual lessons for people who want to learn or perfect their skills in folk dancing, any of a variety of ethnic dances such as the czardas, folklorico, polka, mazurka or schottische that developed among the common people of a country and were passed from generation to generation as a part of their traditions.

Tap Dancing Instruction

Programs that provide classes or individual lessons for people who want to learn or perfect their skills in tap dancing, a form of dance with steps to syncopated rhythms that are tapped out audibly with the feet, heels or toes, often by means of clogs or specially made hard soled shoes.
