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Full Resource Name:
Clean Memphis
3548 Walker Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111
(901) 235-2416
Clean Memphis, Inc
Clean Memphis was founded in 2008 to foster a cleaner and greener Memphis. We work to inspire Memphians to be environmental stewards grounded in civic responsibility. In 2020, Clean Memphis developed a strategic plan, using research from other peer cities, to build the beginning stages of a zero waste, circular economy in Memphis and Shelby County. We engage leadership with data to drive policy change that supports sustainability in Memphis, empower community leaders with resources and tools to beautify their neighborhoods, and implement comprehensive environmental education programs in schools and restaurants. Our goal is to build a more sustainable Memphis for all.
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Intake Process:
Call or email for information
Program Fees:
No Fees, except for Project Green Fork Certification for local restaurants: $350.00 New Certification plus $100.00 Annual Membership Fee
Persons or organizations in Memphis and Shelby County; will provide environmental programs for students in any school in Shelby County by request
Handicap Accessible?
Is Shelter?
Date of Official Change:
November 9, 2023
Volunteer Opportunities:
All ages may volunteer for cleanup events, but minors must be accompanied by adults
Address Listings
Physical (Primary)
3548 Walker Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111
Janet Boscarino
Phone Numbers
(901) 235-2416
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Geography Served
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Geography Served
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Geography Served
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.