The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Pediatric Evaluation
Child Abuse Medical Evaluations
Hospitals and clinics with multidisciplinary teams that conduct historical interviews and physical examinations of children to determine whether there are injuries or other forms of physical evidence that are consistent with neglect, emotional deprivation/failure to thrive, or physical or sexual abuse that constitute the battered child syndrome. Historical information supplied by the child in the medical interview may be used to establish a case for child abuse even in the absence of physical evidence.
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Health care providers that offer the Child Health and Disability Prevention Program, a health assessment and treatment program for low-income children and youth through age 21 that is designed to assure early detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases or impairments which might adversely affect the individual's growth and development. CHDP exams generally include a complete physical examination; a dental assessment; a nutritional assessment; vision and hearing screening; immunizations; urine, blood and tuberculosis screening tests; specialized laboratory tests, as needed; and health education on topics such as tobacco use prevention, lead poisoning prevention and other issues pertaining to child health.
Programs that offer health screening services for neonates which are designed to prevent physical problems, intellectual disabilities and premature death through the early detection and treatment of genetic disorders which may not otherwise be detected until irreversible damage has occurred. Newborn screening is routinely offered for phenylketonuria (PKU) and congenital hypothyroidism, and in some areas, for galactosemia, maple syrup urine disease, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, biotinadase deficiency and a growing number of other metabolic, endocrine and hemoglobin disorders. A drop of blood is taken from each infant's heel prior to discharge and sent to a laboratory for analysis. A repeat specimen is recommended one to two weeks after birth if the original sample was taken within the first 24 hours of life. Newborn hearing screening is also available in some areas.
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Programs that provide a comprehensive, structured evaluation of a child's cognitive/intellectual functioning, language and communication skills, independent living skills, social and emotional development and perceptual/motor functioning in order to identify individuals who show developmental delays, determine the nature and extent of the problem and recommend a course of treatment and care. Developmental assessments are generally offered by a developmental assessment specialist, or a team of professionals that can include a pediatrician, language specialist, audiologist, occupational therapist, child psychologist and child psychiatrist, among others. They involve age-adjusted questions regarding a child's growth, physical movements, behavior, play, and interactions with family members and the rest of the world as well as a series of tests that may include a physical exam, hearing and eye screenings, play observation, and standardized tests that present the child with specific tasks to determine areas of strength and weakness. They can also be used to identify individuals who have developmental disabilities such as intellectual disabilities, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism and neurological impairments, in order to establish eligibility for state and federally funded programs.
Pediatric Developmental Screening
Programs that offer a procedure that is designed to identify children who should receive more intensive assessment or diagnosis for potential developmental delays. Screening tools can be specific to a disorder (e.g., autism), an area (e.g., cognitive development, language, or gross motor skills), or they may be general, encompassing multiple areas of concern; and rely heavily on parent observation. They do not provide conclusive evidence of developmental delays and do not result in diagnoses. A positive screening result should be followed by a thorough assessment. The goal of developmental screening is to allow for earlier detection of delays in order to improve child health and well-being for identified children.
Specialized Pediatric Evaluation
Programs that conduct pediatric evaluations which are intended to confirm the presence in a child of a particular disease or condition.
Programs that provide health screening and immunization services for infants and toddlers to ensure their physical well-being and healthy development. Preschool aged children are also eligible in some areas.