Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Bicycle Lane Development/Maintenance

Programs that are responsible for the development and maintenance of the portions of the public roads that have been designated by striping, signage and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicyclists.

Bridge/Tunnel Maintenance

Programs that are responsible for developing, inspecting and repairing bridges, viaducts, overpasses, underpasses, tunnels and other structures that carry motor vehicles and pedestrians.

Pothole/Road Repair

Programs that are responsible for patching or repaving sections of streets with potholes, cracks or other surface defects; repairing damage caused by subsidence, sinkholes or other types of road failure due to erosion of the soil under the roadway; and correcting other types of problems with roadway surfaces that make driving hazardous.

Road Surface Marking Services

Programs that are responsible for painting traffic control markings on pavements or installing devices such as noise generators that attempt to warn drivers who have, for example, wandered to the shoulder of the road, and to regulate traffic. Road markings can be used to delineate traffic lanes, designate pedestrian crossings and indicate regulation for parking and stopping.

Sidewalk Repair

Programs that are authorized to make temporary or permanent repairs to sidewalks, curbs or driveway aprons that are in hazardous condition and, depending on the situation, to bill the property owners who are responsible for the repairs. Some jurisdictions pay all or a portion of the cost of sidewalk repairs that are required to remedy hazardous conditions.

Street/Thoroughfare Resurfacing

Programs that are responsible for evaluating the condition of roads and thoroughfares within their jurisdiction and repaving those that are most in need of resurfacing. These program may also accept and respond to requests by local residents for specific paving projects.
